Asking/Telling musicians things

Yep I struggled to extremely lazy I-just-sit-and-push-button guys before, but even with the most compromised ones, I always ended up myself coaching the session till satisfied.

I can sometimes understand, as most bands here in my area suck hole, maybe some guitar player is the only one that actually can play to a click, so you get a picture. But this guy is too much, I ran away and never looked back when I said: one more take (3rd one) and he answers: nah, it's ok (it wasn't at all). Average bands really like this cause nobody is telling them how high their sloppiness and unfeeling can reach, either actively or passively. One of the most important bands in here has just released its last album with this guy producing and I lol'd so hard at the performance, trying to follow a click, timing mess, out of tune. I think he's even too lazy to edit. I don't understand how bands still book him.
WAIT: Yes I do: Because most of them suck major league?

Just a matter of balance depending on the people involved. But I wouldn't expect nothing pro from this kind o bands unless they pay for my headaches. Luckily I don't live from this, here this could be only frustration most of the time.
Judge it based on situation. I have some bands that come in and I pull my hair out trying to get them to do simple things so I just let them go cuz they're happy with their crap products, but with bands that want good records we do it the right way no matter what it takes. Take some time before each project to talk to the band and get an idea of what they are wanting, bring your info to the table and prepare them as best as you can. I usually say something along the lines of this: 'OK guys I have two recordings here, band A took my advice and they is what their album sounds like, band B did not and this is what they sound like' 9 times out of 10 after that they listen to whatever I have to say, but for the other occasions that they dont then we do it their way and they go home with shit, and if they complain i tell em they shoulda listened to me and next time around they come they listen to me