Matching Guitar Tones


Nov 13, 2008
One of my passing thoughts for the day...

When it comes to tracking guitars, how close do you guys keep the L+R chains for Rhythms/Leads

I know some bands keep exactly the same setup, often having one gutiarist track L/R for a section, then switch guitarists...

Knowing how little changes in the chain from Guitarist->Guitar->Amp->Cab can change a sound, what do you guys do when it comes down to this decision?

When you're tracking guitars, do you keep them on the same amp? Same settings?? Using the same guitar or their own guitar??
This is what I do.

If they are quad tracking, two takes per amp (two amps, usually). Amp1 and Amp 2 will make an "appearance" on both sides of center.

If double tracking its the same amp on both sides.

I personally never mix two different amps to either side, I like to keep it balanced.
Mathew's approach seems very common nowadays, but I have done two different tones on each side (I say tones because it was the same amp but one had the dist channel and th eother was a metal muff with the amp on clean) and it turned out pretty good, I guess just sometimes two tones seems to compliment each other, and sometimes it just sounds shitty and unbalanced
What if you have two different guitar players that want to use their amp because they think their tone is the "best"

If it's a band like Circa Survive/King Crimson/Further Seems forever, I'll pick an amp with good saturation and a low mid voicing for the dominant rhythm player's side, and a drier, more midrangey amp for the lead players side.

Otherwise, if dual tracked, I will use the same amp on both sides; Quad, one of each amp on both sides. I never quad track with four tracks of the same amp, especially when I have the benefits of blending two amps for an awesome result.
I noticed the other day listening to the last Haunted album "Versus" that the tones on each side differ, but it still works

I've always had the same tone each side and the same gutiar used and just adjusting the volume if one player picks harder than the other... but i'm now thinking in those sort of instances that i should work on gettin a suitable tone but keep them both through the same cab->mic...

topsoul182 - If they're arguing over it like a couple of whiney bitches, slap them both, tell them they're recording it your way. if they can't come to some sort of compromise on this then they are mature enough to record it their way... :)

great rock-talk guys