What do you guys do when reamping to make sure the signal is the same level as it would be coming from a guitar? Do you A/B between yourself plugged into the amp and the reamp plugged into the amp trying to mess with levels until the sound coming out of the speaker is as identical as possible?
Or on the other hand do you consider the DI signal coming from your interface to be it's own beast entirely and throw away the idea of matching the guitar and just try and get it to sound as best as possible, even if it means feeding the amp a signal that is way louder or quieter than it would be coming from the guitar?
Is there anyways to measure the RMS/peak levels of a guitar signal as it hits the amp input? Is it amplified somehow in some way before the preamp stage in the amp? I'd imagine it hits the input jack on the amp at the same level as the DI would hit your interface with the mic pre volume on zero would it not? I know we have these "peaking at -3dbish" guidelines and stuff for recording DIs but is there an actual way of measuring what the signal is exactly when it hits the amp so we can match it in our DAW when tracking the DIs? There's so many variables though I guess, like interface output level, reamp knob level, etc...
Sorry for the scientific thread, I'm just one of those guys who likes to quantify everything and put numbers, math and science to everything to get things "right" despite what my ears may think (I know I know, I'm in the wrong field...
Or on the other hand do you consider the DI signal coming from your interface to be it's own beast entirely and throw away the idea of matching the guitar and just try and get it to sound as best as possible, even if it means feeding the amp a signal that is way louder or quieter than it would be coming from the guitar?
Is there anyways to measure the RMS/peak levels of a guitar signal as it hits the amp input? Is it amplified somehow in some way before the preamp stage in the amp? I'd imagine it hits the input jack on the amp at the same level as the DI would hit your interface with the mic pre volume on zero would it not? I know we have these "peaking at -3dbish" guidelines and stuff for recording DIs but is there an actual way of measuring what the signal is exactly when it hits the amp so we can match it in our DAW when tracking the DIs? There's so many variables though I guess, like interface output level, reamp knob level, etc...
Sorry for the scientific thread, I'm just one of those guys who likes to quantify everything and put numbers, math and science to everything to get things "right" despite what my ears may think (I know I know, I'm in the wrong field...