Ass Magnet!

Quite well, thanks. This morning marked the end of my 3 day seclusion in a bedroom in the basement and the end of the 17 day diet. Last I checked on Wednesday, I have lost 15 pounds. The radioiodine was cake...the worst part of all if it was not being able to hug my kids. Aside from that, it was a few days of really bad horror movies and PS3. I have a follow-up scan Friday, and then we just need to monitor everything moving forward. While it's not really official, all signs point to:

Ass Magnet - 1; Cancer - 0.
Yeah. Even though it was only 50 millicuries, I couldn't be within 3 feet of them for 3 days (among other precautions). I hugged them once each day I think, but that was it. I basically sat in a bedroom isolated. Aside from a couple small annoyances, it was pretty nice.
50 millicuries? Dude, I sprinkle that much on my cereal every morning :loco:

Glad you're doing ok
I know. I didn't have the heart to tell them I have been using twice that amount recreationally for years.

The best part about all of this is the amazing woman that ran me through the full body scan. She reminded of a cross between Winona Ryder (stylistically) and Kate Beckinsale (physically)...and she had the most incredible eyes I've ever seen. I'm hoping I have her again on Friday. Maybe we can make the love.

edit: oh snap. Underworld 4 is coming next year, with Kate making her triumphant comeback. I have wood.