Ass Sordid Demos


This album is way too underrated. Not many people seem to have it, or listened to it.

Unfortunately, I do not havethe actual cd...

Only in mp3 format. But it's an amazing album, with some very very strange songs, along with some great pounding epics like Ocean Machines, or drifting masterpeices like Promise and L.A.

It is apparent that this is only a collection of demos, and nothing more, but it's still awesome.
this demo album is great. many songs on that are must have (ocean machines , why in the hell this song is not on the album ?)
and red tomorrow even tough the final version of it is a bonus on physycist. only thing missing on this is the demo of city song of SYL.
Have you heard the No Sleep... boxed set extras CD? Theres three demos on there from City AFAIK - AAA, Detox and Home Nucleonics.

As for Devin "appearing out of nowhere", he got picked up by Vai but was left covered in post-bus dust when that whole thing blew over. S+R 5uxx0r3d or however you want to put it.

You know how you like it when a pretty girl dances for you whilst you wank? That what Steve did with S+R :lol:

Anyway - Devin went on to k1ck 455 majorly after then, so who cares where he came from? He's here, still picking his ass and farming hair.

Thats enough for me.
I saw one go on eBay a while back, but I didn't catch the auction. Shame really. Then again, the price it was going for was a bit steep. Its the kind of thing where you wonder "is it worth that much money for what it actually is" or "to have it would be nice just for the whole having-of-it".

Fucky. Indecision made me lose by default.:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Kushantaiidan
Red Tomorrow on Physisist????????

yeah thats was the bonus track of the pre-relase version that was only advailable on also the cover of it was a bit different.
if you want the final version of red tommorow go download it ,
theres the 96 version and the last one (at least on audio galaxy).
Well, here's what I can tell you about Red Tomorrow. According to the Ass-Sordid notes, It was one of the tracks that attracted the attention of Vai so it was probably on the Womp Womp Womp demo. What made it onto Ass... was a re-recording. Like other tracks from the HDR exclusive releases, it was put on some foreign issues of his albums.
I don't know about this "pre-release" though. Unless HDR made it available AFTER the original issue, it is beyond me. Mine was a pre-order. It's the standard album with a signature on the cover but other than that... nothing.

As for the limited edition box songs, there is a fourth. If you listen to the start of Detox, you can hear it fading out. The thing with that is it's not an SYL track.

My AGS doesn't work anymore so I can't help you there. If i could, I'd make some oddball Wildhearts and Caustic Thought available. Technically, bootlegs are also an option but I have a request to not P2P such things.