Hey James,
It's great to hear you are feeling better, my friend! I know that you are going to have to fight this terrible disease for a long time, but your positive attitude is inspirational. And keeping busy is a James Murphy trait, right?
A friend sent me the new Malevolent Creation tune 'Assasin Squad', because he knew I needed to hear it, as you're playing on it. Also, as a big MC fan, I was interested in hearing some of the new album.
I was very surprised that you had such a large part of the song to solo over, James. I was thinking that it would be another 'Coronation of Our Domain' (read: short). Boy was I wrong, and thankfully so. When I heard those first few notes, harmonized of course, it felt like you were sitting in my room with me, playing the solo right before my eyes. It was a really great warm feeling hearing you playing again. Incendentally, I was listen to "Convergence" tonight, before I got this new tune. Hearing you solo was like a victory to us, your fans. It's like the LITTLE part we all played in helping you to get back on your feet was all worth it.
I was very worried that your playing would not be up to your very high standards, with the illness, the recovery, and the long periods of not playing at all. I was dead wrong. You sounded great. I was not really too impressed with the overall actual recorded tone you had, but I am not trying to diminish your playing one bit. I guess we'll wait for the "Magic Murphy Tone" for Disincarnate, right?
I put the autographed "Feeding the Machine" sticker you so kindly sent me on the back of my main guitar, my Ibanez RG550. Everythime I pick up my guitar, I think about you.
How cool is that? My two guitar heroes, Murphy and Rutan TOGETHER in the studio. I would have given anything to have been there.
All my best to you. I know you're busy, and all of us at this Forum appreciate you coming by from time to time.......I hope to still get a few things on cassette and VHS from you time permitting.
Dale Lyons
It's great to hear you are feeling better, my friend! I know that you are going to have to fight this terrible disease for a long time, but your positive attitude is inspirational. And keeping busy is a James Murphy trait, right?
A friend sent me the new Malevolent Creation tune 'Assasin Squad', because he knew I needed to hear it, as you're playing on it. Also, as a big MC fan, I was interested in hearing some of the new album.
I was very surprised that you had such a large part of the song to solo over, James. I was thinking that it would be another 'Coronation of Our Domain' (read: short). Boy was I wrong, and thankfully so. When I heard those first few notes, harmonized of course, it felt like you were sitting in my room with me, playing the solo right before my eyes. It was a really great warm feeling hearing you playing again. Incendentally, I was listen to "Convergence" tonight, before I got this new tune. Hearing you solo was like a victory to us, your fans. It's like the LITTLE part we all played in helping you to get back on your feet was all worth it.
I was very worried that your playing would not be up to your very high standards, with the illness, the recovery, and the long periods of not playing at all. I was dead wrong. You sounded great. I was not really too impressed with the overall actual recorded tone you had, but I am not trying to diminish your playing one bit. I guess we'll wait for the "Magic Murphy Tone" for Disincarnate, right?

I put the autographed "Feeding the Machine" sticker you so kindly sent me on the back of my main guitar, my Ibanez RG550. Everythime I pick up my guitar, I think about you.
How cool is that? My two guitar heroes, Murphy and Rutan TOGETHER in the studio. I would have given anything to have been there.
All my best to you. I know you're busy, and all of us at this Forum appreciate you coming by from time to time.......I hope to still get a few things on cassette and VHS from you time permitting.
Dale Lyons