Assasin Squad Solo


Metal Dale
Feb 15, 2002
Fredericton, Canada
Hey James,

It's great to hear you are feeling better, my friend! I know that you are going to have to fight this terrible disease for a long time, but your positive attitude is inspirational. And keeping busy is a James Murphy trait, right?

A friend sent me the new Malevolent Creation tune 'Assasin Squad', because he knew I needed to hear it, as you're playing on it. Also, as a big MC fan, I was interested in hearing some of the new album.

I was very surprised that you had such a large part of the song to solo over, James. I was thinking that it would be another 'Coronation of Our Domain' (read: short). Boy was I wrong, and thankfully so. When I heard those first few notes, harmonized of course, it felt like you were sitting in my room with me, playing the solo right before my eyes. It was a really great warm feeling hearing you playing again. Incendentally, I was listen to "Convergence" tonight, before I got this new tune. Hearing you solo was like a victory to us, your fans. It's like the LITTLE part we all played in helping you to get back on your feet was all worth it.

I was very worried that your playing would not be up to your very high standards, with the illness, the recovery, and the long periods of not playing at all. I was dead wrong. You sounded great. I was not really too impressed with the overall actual recorded tone you had, but I am not trying to diminish your playing one bit. I guess we'll wait for the "Magic Murphy Tone" for Disincarnate, right? :-)

I put the autographed "Feeding the Machine" sticker you so kindly sent me on the back of my main guitar, my Ibanez RG550. Everythime I pick up my guitar, I think about you.

How cool is that? My two guitar heroes, Murphy and Rutan TOGETHER in the studio. I would have given anything to have been there.

All my best to you. I know you're busy, and all of us at this Forum appreciate you coming by from time to time.......I hope to still get a few things on cassette and VHS from you time permitting.

Dale Lyons
hi Dale, thanks a ton for your kind words man, i definitely appreciate all the positive vibes.

about the solo tone of my leads on M.C.'s "Assassin Squad", i couldn't agree with you more. i actually spoke up about it at the session but their producer, J.F., said that he had it that way on purpose and that he liked it. i should have spoken up and asked to change it but it wasn't my place, J.F. was the producer, not me. i regret not doing so but other than my solo tone i think J.F. did a fantastic job on the new Malevolent Creation.

also, i am sorry Dale but Eric Rutan was not at the studio during any of the tracking and did not work on the Malevolent CD at all. he stopped by once and we chatted outside during a break, but he took off shortly after our brief conversation. in this case he was only renting his studio space to M.C. and their producer J.F. Dagenais, who is the guitarist of Kataklysm.
Hi James,

Thank you for your reply, my friend. Overall, the new Malevolent Creation sounds absolutely killer, I couldn't agree more. J-F is becoming quite the producer/engineer these days. But yes, your actual recorded lead tone was not what we are all used to hearing from you. But I think MC letting you play on their new album (and for so long!) is an amazing thing, because Rob and Phil are no slouches either.

What amp(s) did you solo through for their new CD, James?

And lastly, the little clip you posted online was awesome! It's funny, your lead tone was better on that than it was on the new MC album! I am very much looking forward to hearing anything else you have recorded.

Thanks again, James!
