Assault weapons can now be yours for the low price of a life!


Oct 28, 2003
Lone Star State
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watch out America you are now entering a world of chaos...well hopefully not! as of monday 13th 2004 you can now go out and buy AK47, Uzzies and other assault weapons, the ban is off...but what does that really mean??? more violence on the streets??? it was proven that nothing changed while the ban was on but is it really going to stay that way? will more violence emerge bcs of this??? Strangely enough, weeks before this date, it has been reported that various gangs (Crips, Bloods and Latin Kings) are trying to unite, kinda like in The Warriors... is it bcs with AK's they'll outnumber police forces quickly??? shit yeah and this is what you should all do if that happens, GO get your own Uzzie, along with your neighboors (the more people buy, the bigger discount you can get, lets stay cheap with this) and start protecting your "hood".
United Forces For Life :headbang:
I am not sure about the ban being lifted.. I live in Michigan, the land of deer hunting and a pleothra of guns in the state. I have no problem with guns being legal and all of that but I have a problem with assault weapons being available for purchase. I mean what use would a person have for a firearm that can shoot off as much as 30 rounds in 3 seconds???? I mean really.....I go to Detroit alot to see concerts and that place scares me to begin with.......The rate of homicides in Detroit this year alone was in the high 800 's the last time I checked. Shit, Detroit is competing with the war in Iraq.....Now thats a thought. Now I am not saying that guns are responsible for all of those murders(there not) alone but the poverty there already makes it a pretty desperate place as it is, combine that with inexpensive assault weapons and it kinda gives ya chills. What do you think about this T-Man?
Coveruinoil, 1st off GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!! If you don't like it.....Get your monkey ass back to france.the fucked up liberal pussies who enacted that ban (which was unconstitutional anyway...but hey whens the constitution ever prevented a democrat from doing what he wants) are the same group of losers who were selling pardons to drug dealers at the end of their run in office...It's much better to have drug dealers roaming free than to have responsible citzens buying the firearms of their choice....Right?

And 2nd....Just so you can sleep better at night, The law is state by state.
For example, this useless piece of shit state known as Mass has a state law in effect that no one living here with a legally obtained state firearms license will be able to buy one of these firearms in this state.....See responsible gun owners (like myself) have to either travel to another state that sells them....or hope to run into one of the pardoned drug dealers clinton let out and buy one from him (Illegally,I might add)

Your whole gang theory is real cute too (It's called ENTERTAINMENT for a reason,that being....It's not real life) newsflash, there is no Cyrus.

I really can't tell how serious you were or if you were just making light of the situtation...But I'll tell you like I've told so many others..
If you have a problem with firearms,that doesn't mean the should be banned so that decent,responsible people can't obtain them for their own enjoyment.

CoverUinOil said:
watch out America you are now entering a world of chaos...well hopefully not! as of monday 13th 2004 you can now go out and buy AK47, Uzzies and other assault weapons, the ban is off...but what does that really mean??? more violence on the streets??? it was proven that nothing changed while the ban was on but is it really going to stay that way? will more violence emerge bcs of this??? Strangely enough, weeks before this date, it has been reported that various gangs (Crips, Bloods and Latin Kings) are trying to unite, kinda like in The Warriors... is it bcs with AK's they'll outnumber police forces quickly??? shit yeah and this is what you should all do if that happens, GO get your own Uzzie, along with your neighboors (the more people buy, the bigger discount you can get, lets stay cheap with this) and start protecting your "hood".
United Forces For Life :headbang:
MHFYRD, How you been man?? hope it's good with you.
Now down to business....I try to respect peoples opinions but certain issues
just bug the shit out of me (This being one)
If you don't like assault weapons that's fine....Being that it's your opinion
But to deny other people who enjoy shooting,collecting or any other type of
firearm activity is wrong. Though I currently don't own any I've fired a wide variety of them both fully automatic and otherwise in the service and in private life and can honestly tell you that I love it!! And money permitting would own as many as I could.

I also want to shed some light on purchasing firearms in general....In more states than not you can't just walk into a store and buy a Glock or a Colt AR15 without some type of license. Trust me if I told how difficult it was to
obtain in Massachusetts you would not believe (I was thankful I didn't get caught for alot of the crazy shit I pulled in my teen & 20's) I never would have got one.

I guess all I want to get across is this....I HATE marilyn manson, but would never want to outlaw what he does for a living because it would effect so many millions of people....Well I LOVE firearms, and banning specific types and
calibers effects millions of people like me. Take Dianne Feinstein the whore in Calif she wants to ban the 50cal rifle (#1 Grizzly Bear rifle) because she says it's too much firepower for civilians to own....I guess the eternal question here would be...Who the fuck is she to deem what's "Too Much Firepower"
when shes probably never fired a shot!! And once you let them dictate to you
what's too much for you vs. what's not...We'll all be carrying slingshots listening to whatever bands Tipper Gore deems moral, Sorry but I'm grown up
enough to make my own choices.

MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
I am not sure about the ban being lifted.. I live in Michigan, the land of deer hunting and a pleothra of guns in the state. I have no problem with guns being legal and all of that but I have a problem with assault weapons being available for purchase. I mean what use would a person have for a firearm that can shoot off as much as 30 rounds in 3 seconds???? I mean really.....I go to Detroit alot to see concerts and that place scares me to begin with.......The rate of homicides in Detroit this year alone was in the high 800 's the last time I checked. Shit, Detroit is competing with the war in Iraq.....Now thats a thought. Now I am not saying that guns are responsible for all of those murders(there not) alone but the poverty there already makes it a pretty desperate place as it is, combine that with inexpensive assault weapons and it kinda gives ya chills. What do you think about this T-Man?
Thanks Cryptkeeper!! I go hunting every fall and shoot for both fun & sport
frequently. And you're right If someone's anti-gun. you don't have to own one
but don't infringe on our constitutional right to Keep And Bear!!

Thanks again for backing me up!

Cryptkeeper said:
Well said T man. The 2nd Amendment should be protected! As an avid hunter, and a pro-gun person, I believe American people should have the right to own guns. If you don't like guns, stay away from them!
Listen, I love guns, hand guns , rifles shotguns , whatever,......... but do you really need a M-16 or a AK-47? The purpose of those types of guns is to kill people , Do you really want some nut, or better yet some jawa , getting his hands on a AK-47 and convert it (easy shit there)to a fully automatic weapon? If some terrorist fuck decides to do some shit like that crazy fuck that sniped all those people here in virginia and washington, and he dont care if he dies, whats stopping him from getting a semi-auto, converting it to full-auto , and walk down a crowded street killing people until someone splatters his brains? nothing because its to fucking easy to get a gun.

I feel weapons that hold more than 5 shots should be banned .After all you only need one bullet shot one kill
T_man357 said:
I also want to shed some light on purchasing firearms in general....In more states than not you can't just walk into a store and buy a Glock or a Colt AR15 without some type of license. Trust me if I told how difficult it was to
obtain in Massachusetts you would not believe (I was thankful I didn't get caught for alot of the crazy shit I pulled in my teen & 20's) I never would have got one.

Come to virginia, it takes 1 hour from the time you tell the man you want it to the time you walk with it.................... any kind of you want, the only licence you need is a concealed weapon permit,(if you want to carry) other wise if its in plain sight , all you need is a clean record................

New York , you apply for the licence before you can buy and if i remember correctly, its a 2 year wait...............

I totaly belive in the 2nd ammendment, but iuf you let everyone have assaut rifles...................... well , look at Iraq......... every single person there has one and those fucks kill each other all the time........................

And in all reality what the hell do you need a 50 cal for? the only thing i can think of is splattering someones head from about a Mile away
I've been good just chilling and doing the usual ol bullshit.. I am in favor of guns, shit I live in the wrong state if I wasn't and I would not deny anyone that wants to own one that can do so responsibly. I am well aware of guns laws and all of that( my dad is an NRA lifer) and I know that it is really hard to get guns and you can't just get one whenever you want and that you have to go through a pretty long process to get one...I do agree with the gang thing you were referring to that CoverUinoil was saying. Gangs and shit like that will always be around and they will have guns if they want one...That is a weak argument By C.U.I.O, any two-bit dumb fuck criminal can and wil find a way to get a gun if they talk to the right people and are stupid enough to use it in a violent crime( like you said guns don't kill people dumbfucks do)...I am pretty much surrounded by guns in my family and you are right, not one of the guns hopped up off a table and shot me. I don't mind guns, but I won't lie I do get a little uneasy around them. I don't know I guess owning an Uzi is kind of excessive(to me) thats all. Not trying to rile you up or anything, I just like to hear what others think.
T_man357 said:
Thanks Cryptkeeper!! I go hunting every fall and shoot for both fun & sport
frequently. And you're right If someone's anti-gun. you don't have to own one
but don't infringe on our constitutional right to Keep And Bear!!

Thanks again for backing me up!
You're welcome.

I love guns. I shoot all the time, and like you, hunt for fun and sport. I notice you live in MASS. I do to, so we probally hunt around the same time.
The question that I have is this..Do you hunt with an Uzi? Seriously why would you need a gun like that? Like I stated above rifles and handguns are FINE with me but damn, guns like AK's and Uzi's and shit like that seem to be an unnecessary thing to collect or own...I mean whats next, Bazooka's? They would also be considered a weapon and people could use the right to bear arms on that too.
MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
The question that I have is this..Do you hunt with an Uzi? Seriously why would you need a gun like that? Like I stated above rifles and handguns are FINE with me but damn, guns like AK's and Uzi's and shit like that seem to be an unnecessary thing to collect or own...I mean whats next, Bazooka's? They would also be considered a weapon and people could use the right to bear arms on that too.
I don't hunt with an Uzi. No responsible hunter would.
I just want to clarify that I'm not trying to force ANYTHING on you guys..
I really enjoy posting with you guys MHFYRD,Old School,Cryptkeeper,etc....

But Old School 5 Shots??? I'm not going to go off, but just say that I disagree
completley with that!!....And to the gang theory again I offer this
Do you really think that the ban has kept gangs from getting them??
The law was for all NEW firearms mfg after oct,1998.....That left a whole shit load of what's called "pre ban" firearms for all these gang members to get.
And since pre ban firearms are SO HIGH PRICED a regular schmo like me could never afford one whereas drug selling gang members can afford quite a few of them.

Everybodies different with different interests....but take it from me
(And probably Cryptkeeper as well) it SUCKS to be interested in something that is not wrong,constitutionally protected, and yet so hated by a specific
group of people. I'm gonna say the anwser to this is the same anwser Old School had to smoking weed.....EDUCATION is key!! if you don't believe that
firearm feeding devices should hold more than 5 rounds why should I suffer
when I'm responsible enough to have them.

Again, If I'm coming off strong and insulting, please don't take offense
(you too Coveruinoil) I just feel really strongly about the 2nd Amendment

MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
I've been good just chilling and doing the usual ol bullshit.. I am in favor of guns, shit I live in the wrong state if I wasn't and I would not deny anyone that wants to own one that can do so responsibly. I am well aware of guns laws and all of that( my dad is an NRA lifer) and I know that it is really hard to get guns and you can't just get one whenever you want and that you have to go through a pretty long process to get one...I do agree with the gang thing you were referring to that CoverUinoil was saying. Gangs and shit like that will always be around and they will have guns if they want one...That is a weak argument By C.U.I.O, any two-bit dumb fuck criminal can and wil find a way to get a gun if they talk to the right people and are stupid enough to use it in a violent crime( like you said guns don't kill people dumbfucks do)...I am pretty much surrounded by guns in my family and you are right, not one of the guns hopped up off a table and shot me. I don't mind guns, but I won't lie I do get a little uneasy around them. I don't know I guess owning an Uzi is kind of excessive(to me) thats all. Not trying to rile you up or anything, I just like to hear what others think.

Cryptkeeper said it best...An Uzi is not a hunting firearm...But dude it's
VERY FUN TO SHOOT!!! And if people really enjoy it (And it's legal)
Why would you want to take that away from people.
And again...Who's to say what people like you and me are responsible enough
to own....These lawmakers and politicians don't even know us.
They're just dumping us in a group they consider not mature enough to do what's right...and sorry but I don't fit that profile (And you probably don't either)

MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
The question that I have is this..Do you hunt with an Uzi? Seriously why would you need a gun like that? Like I stated above rifles and handguns are FINE with me but damn, guns like AK's and Uzi's and shit like that seem to be an unnecessary thing to collect or own...I mean whats next, Bazooka's? They would also be considered a weapon and people could use the right to bear arms on that too.
I feel the EXACT SAME WAY!!

The13thCandle said:
I dont care for guns, personally, I have nothing against them and know quite a few people who own them. I think if a person can legally hold a permit to own guns then they should be able to, no matter what kind of gun it is.
ok first, T-man, i don't take any offense and am not trying to pull some liberal bullshit trip. i understand the rights to own a gun and why you would want to. i've lived in france in the country side my whole life, where hunting is the #1 hobby so i did shoot various weapons since a young age. i would definitly would love to shoot with an uzi in a shooting range but dont really think i would actualy want to own one. i know that in certain places you can pay couple of $100 to shoot a few rounds of any type of firearms you want. 2nd, i was saying that after all since it is legal to own one, i would have no problem buying one to protect my familly if all of a sudden all the thugs decided to go for a rampage (believe me it could happen easilier than you can imagine). but like you said T-man i would only trust decent responsible people to own those type of weapons...
T_man357 said:
I just want to clarify that I'm not trying to force ANYTHING on you guys..
I really enjoy posting with you guys MHFYRD,Old School,Cryptkeeper,etc....

But Old School 5 Shots??? I'm not going to go off, but just say that I disagree
completley with that!!....And to the gang theory again I offer this
Do you really think that the ban has kept gangs from getting them??
The law was for all NEW firearms mfg after oct,1998.....That left a whole shit load of what's called "pre ban" firearms for all these gang members to get.
And since pre ban firearms are SO HIGH PRICED a regular schmo like me could never afford one whereas drug selling gang members can afford quite a few of them.

Everybodies different with different interests....but take it from me
(And probably Cryptkeeper as well) it SUCKS to be interested in something that is not wrong,constitutionally protected, and yet so hated by a specific
group of people. I'm gonna say the anwser to this is the same anwser Old School had to smoking weed.....EDUCATION is key!! if you don't believe that
firearm feeding devices should hold more than 5 rounds why should I suffer
when I'm responsible enough to have them.

Again, If I'm coming off strong and insulting, please don't take offense
(you too Coveruinoil) I just feel really strongly about the 2nd Amendment

ok check this out, If you have a Illegal gun here in virginia it a manditory 5 years in federal prision, gun related crimes dropped 15% in the first year and 20% the next. This included , non registared guns, full-auto weapons, and rifles+shotguns that hold more than 5 shots.

my reasoning for this is(and your right TMann education is the key) people dont get educated, think they need a gun to be cool, to protect themselves and dont hesitate to pull that shit when they feel "threatened" or out of anger. This is why alot of people shouldnt have guns. its the majority of the people getting fucked because of the minority..................

People kill people,be it with fists, sticks, stones, bats,and knives. give them a gun and they can do it a whole lot quicker and better