Assault weapons can now be yours for the low price of a life!

I think we're all almost on the same page then....Because I agree with you
guys that I don't want scumbags whose primary interest is to commit crimes,
hurt people,pretend they're Dirty Harry,etc... to have access to firearms AT ALL!! But to be truthful if the law works properly it should be very hard to get
one unless they hit the back alley punk selling Saturday Night Specials.

"If you have a Illegal gun here in virginia it a manditory 5 years in federal prision" I personally think they should have to spend a little more time than
5 (Since they probably get eligible for parole in 2 1/2 years)
Why not a mandatory 10 with 5 to be served.....That scares the hell outta me just thinking about it (But I used to watch Oz)

The whole banning of feeding devices and calibers is a different story
(Someone earlier asked what you would need a 50 Cal rifle for) my answer is
whatever law abiding activity I choose....Why would I need mag to hold more than 5 rounds.....Same anwser!!

Most of these lawmakers and politicians are corrupt and lie to us on a daily basis, yet they have the right to tell me what I need and don't need...Sorry
no dice....People need to worry a little more about what's in their own homes and and going on in their own lives,little less about what other people have in theres.

CoverUinOil said:
ok first, T-man, i don't take any offense and am not trying to pull some liberal bullshit trip. i understand the rights to own a gun and why you would want to. i've lived in france in the country side my whole life, where hunting is the #1 hobby so i did shoot various weapons since a young age. i would definitly would love to shoot with an uzi in a shooting range but dont really think i would actualy want to own one. i know that in certain places you can pay couple of $100 to shoot a few rounds of any type of firearms you want. 2nd, i was saying that after all since it is legal to own one, i would have no problem buying one to protect my familly if all of a sudden all the thugs decided to go for a rampage (believe me it could happen easilier than you can imagine). but like you said T-man i would only trust decent responsible people to own those type of weapons...
hey just out of curiosity, if someone was to rob my house while i was in it and took a gun and shot at the guy, could i claim selfdefense and not get murder charges??? i'm not really up to date on the law.
With big power comes big responsibility...with big fire power comes big trouble so be responsible! (that's for all the dumbasses who think owning a gun, pointing it at someone's faces and threaten their life makes you kool. pick up your fist you pussies)
If there's a viable way for you to get out of the house,That's what you're
supposed to do. Basically let them rob you while you go to a neighbors house and call the police. If you're in an upstairs part of your house or an area with no options (Jumping out the window is not a viable option) Then only if you fear for your life (If you shoot someone,no matter the circumstances you better say you feared for your life) then the possibility exists that you'd get off....But better to stay away from that whole shitstorm entirely.....It's much easier to say you'd shoot someone than to actually do it.

I think different states have different views on that, I just gave you the one
for Massachusetts.

CoverUinOil said:
hey just out of curiosity, if someone was to rob my house while i was in it and took a gun and shot at the guy, could i claim selfdefense and not get murder charges??? i'm not really up to date on the law.
With big power comes big responsibility...with big fire power comes big trouble so be responsible! (that's for all the dumbasses who think owning a gun, pointing it at someone's faces and threaten their life makes you kool. pick up your fist you pussies)
here in virginia, I someone breaks into your house you have every right to protect yourself and your property.....................but make sure you kill the fuck, cause people down here have sued after they got hurt breaking into your house.........................
I'm not a big gun guy but like one of yous said people kill people...
This ban hasn't done a fucking thing. I can buy one of these from the local mafia or other gangs around the way. But I don't because I'm a not a killer.My point is if somebody wants one of these guns they are gonna get one way or another.Ban or no ban. Later brothers.
bobo'c said:
I'm not a big gun guy but like one of yous said people kill people...
This ban hasn't done a fucking thing. I can buy one of these from the local mafia or other gangs around the way. But I don't because I'm a not a killer.My point is if somebody wants one of these guns they are gonna get one way or another.Ban or no ban. Later brothers.
LIke i said before bro , 15% reduction here in VA the first year .......I recently found out its been a State law for a few years now its automatic 5 years state time not federal......................sorry to misinform ..................(like it matters)....................... the laws may not stop fucks from having/selling/using illeagal guns. but shit you get caught with one, you either;
A) go to prision ,you risk getting cornholed by either a huge black dude named bubba or getting shanked by some little mexican fucker named Jesus

B)hire a good lawyer, and spend every extra dime you have for the next 5 years ( Assuming you have a job) and get county time and probation and do I have to tell you guys about probation............... Ok I will.................. Drug tests, Fuckers coming to your house once or twice every month along with going to see them every 2 weeks to a month depends on there mood I guess, just a few years of fucking hell I tell ya .................and if you fuck that all up or you live in virginia...................... go up to A)
old school headbanger said:
Listen, I love guns, hand guns , rifles shotguns , whatever,......... but do you really need a M-16 or a AK-47? The purpose of those types of guns is to kill people , Do you really want some nut, or better yet some jawa , getting his hands on a AK-47 and convert it (easy shit there)to a fully automatic weapon? If some terrorist fuck decides to do some shit like that crazy fuck that sniped all those people here in virginia and washington, and he dont care if he dies, whats stopping him from getting a semi-auto, converting it to full-auto , and walk down a crowded street killing people until someone splatters his brains? nothing because its to fucking easy to get a gun.

I feel weapons that hold more than 5 shots should be banned .After all you only need one bullet shot one kill

I agree completely. I am total in favor of guns. It's our right to have them and shoot them, as long as we do it safely.

I live in Illinois, and here we have FOID cards. It's our gun licenses and I think that they do a pretty good job of giving them out, but more importantly NOT giving them out to certain people. I own one and although I don't own a gun, I plan on getting a handgun sometime soon (I'll come here and ask for recommendations when I do! :worship: ) Old School said, I really don't see the point of these assault weapons. All that is going to do is make them more available to lowlifes, ghetto rats, and people with not one shred of moral beliefs. I really don't think we need these around.
So good,decent law abiding people should not be able to own assault firearms
because we run the risk of scumbag losers getting their hands on them.

Lowlife pieces of shit will always have a way to get whatever weapon it takes to break the law, I mean hell the ban was in place since 98 and in those
7 years violent crime didn't magically disappear, people still got shot,stabbed,
etc....Your opinion is yours, and I respect it, but lets stop blaming inanimate
objects for this situtation....Stiffer sentences for illegal firearms possession
would help....Play that zero tolerance game for people commiting these crimes
and believe it or not.....IT WILL WORK

Walter_Langkowski said:
I agree completely. I am total in favor of guns. It's our right to have them and shoot them, as long as we do it safely.

I live in Illinois, and here we have FOID cards. It's our gun licenses and I think that they do a pretty good job of giving them out, but more importantly NOT giving them out to certain people. I own one and although I don't own a gun, I plan on getting a handgun sometime soon (I'll come here and ask for recommendations when I do! :worship: ) Old School said, I really don't see the point of these assault weapons. All that is going to do is make them more available to lowlifes, ghetto rats, and people with not one shred of moral beliefs. I really don't think we need these around.
actually, what we dont need is the low life scumm with no moral ideas :Puke: ....those are the people giving a bad reputation to honest gun owners. Most of the people that i know who own guns are lawyers, ceo's and doctors. they actualy have a passion for weaponery and know more about the history of colts and berretas than the gunshop owner but most importantly they understand the responsibilities that comes with a gun.
You should'nt have to be a doctor or lawyer to own a gun.
You don't have to know the history of the firearm company either...
(I know the history of mine, Colt & Glock...but I got too much time on my hands)

The only thing I will always push is EDUCATION....Not Medical or Debating
but actual firearm training....Anyone who's going to be around ANY type
of firearm should be required to take the state run training.

CoverUinOil said:
actually, what we dont need is the low life scumm with no moral ideas :Puke: ....those are the people giving a bad reputation to honest gun owners. Most of the people that i know who own guns are lawyers, ceo's and doctors. they actualy have a passion for weaponery and know more about the history of colts and berretas than the gunshop owner but most importantly they understand the responsibilities that comes with a gun.
I saw that Bowling For Columbine yesterday. Some parts really disturbed me. I thought it was pretty good.I in no way support this hump but it makes you think .
My Bad.....I agree with you on that 100%

CoverUinOil said:
i didnt mean that you had to be a doctor or whatever. my point was just that its not just rednecks who own guns. i think that's what a lot of people get wrong. they have the wrong image of gun owners.
this is the way I look at it, its proven fact that 98% of all guns used in violent crimes are illegaly obtained, so with the ban off all it means is that law abiting citizens can even out the playing field. as soon as I get the money Ill go try to get an mp5 myself or an ak-47 I aint decided yet.
Fucking Yeah Bro!!!! MP-5, I love HK and if I can ever afford one will end
up grabbing one myself!

serial killer said:
this is the way I look at it, its proven fact that 98% of all guns used in violent crimes are illegaly obtained, so with the ban off all it means is that law abiting citizens can even out the playing field. as soon as I get the money Ill go try to get an mp5 myself or an ak-47 I aint decided yet.
You arent talking about these?



Or these?


My rifles and misc are all legal to federal and local laws under the AWB BAN!!!

I do not need a license, or permit, to buy, carry, or carry concealled, in Alaska.

The AWB had nothing to do with full auto firearms, short barrelled rifles or AOWs (all other weapons). Full autos/machineguns are coverred under a different law and are still illegal/controlled. Machine guns are legal in AK provided you follow state and federal laws, AOWs are also legal within the laws.

The AWB was and is a pollitical tool, and did nothing to make anybody safer. I beleive the Bushmaster used by the DC snipers was legally configured for the AWB.

I think I would be considered a felon by 5 states. CA HI NJ NY and MA?
DUDE!!!!! That's a seriously intense firearms collection!
Make room for the T-man cause I just might be moving to Alaska.

If I can own serious firepower like those without all the red tape hassle
color me there!! Thanks for sharing those pics...Again pretty cool

AKduff said:
You arent talking about these?


