The Soundtrack Of My Life...

Thanks D-mok. The city in Argentina is Quilmes, and happen to have a brewery in town. They claim it is or was the biggestin latinamerica. My football team took the name from the city and it's the oldest club in Argentina. Champions only once (1978).
Long live F-1, Heavy metal and Quilmes.
:OMG: The Hauted??? I would die peacefully if someday have the chance to see them alive.
...Well, I hope to find a person who at least I can share my particular musical tastes, I would looooove to see Steve Vai with someone or even Behemoth who are going to come in December...
I'm from Mendoza, and that's kind of far from Buenos Aires so I have to save loads of money to go there if I have the chance to see some band (travel tickets, acommodation, food, drinks, cigarrettes, and of course tha fucking ticket to get into the concert, believe me it's a lot.)
Last year I went to Chile to see Opeth alive, and well, they couldn't come because of the fucking Chilean/Mexican organization (god damn motherfuckers I'm still pretty much pissed off for that) and I spent money on nothing (fucking devaluation) more or less 200 dolars, so it's almost an adventure going to see bands to another place, sometimes it's fun, and sometimes not. I cried like a baby for that, so much efforts for nothing, I fought with my family, I had to arranged some problems at the Institut where I'm studying...that sucks.
I'm pissed off right now...take care and good luck in the concert, Hope you'll have a great time there.
\m/ :kickass:

Luz piba querida. I have the same problem with my wife and my kids ( 16 & 15). They don't like black,death dark or thrash metal, but she (my wife) is coming with me and my nephew to see Shadows Fall and The Haunted in Anaheim next week. By the way where in Argentina you live. I grew up in Quilmes . Vamos cervecero carajo nomas!
Luz said:
:OMG: The Hauted??? I would die peacefully if someday have the chance to see them alive.
...Well, I hope to find a person who at least I can share my particular musical tastes, I would looooove to see Steve Vai with someone or even Behemoth who are going to come in December...
I'm from Mendoza, and that's kind of far from Buenos Aires so I have to save loads of money to go there if I have the chance to see some band (travel tickets, acommodation, food, drinks, cigarrettes, and of course tha fucking ticket to get into the concert, believe me it's a lot.)
Last year I went to Chile to see Opeth alive, and well, they couldn't come because of the fucking Chilean/Mexican organization (god damn motherfuckers I'm still pretty much pissed off for that) and I spent money on nothing (fucking devaluation) more or less 200 dolars, so it's almost an adventure going to see bands to another place, sometimes it's fun, and sometimes not. I cried like a baby for that, so much efforts for nothing, I fought with my family, I had to arranged some problems at the Institut where I'm studying...that sucks.
I'm pissed off right now...take care and good luck in the concert, Hope you'll have a great time there.
\m/ :kickass:

:\ the new Haunted album is no good.
I thought the same on my first few listens. Actually I thought it sounded like OKW with new vox. However, after listening to it straight through over and over again in a 5 hour period (while working, would anyone just sit and actually pay attention that long?), I now kind of enjoy it and I don't notice the similaries with the previous album so much.

Ah, and there's a chance of me seeing them in Toronto. Not a very large chance, however, due to having to miss a week of school for only one night of fun :erk: .
i was considering going to that tour, but..haunted will just play new shit probably, shadows fall is awesome, but i've seen em, and damageplan? dimebag is amazing, but his new band sucks. and his new riffs aren't good.
result: not going
Luz said:
I want to share with the rest of you, when was the first time I listened to Opeth.
When my best friend introduced me into the “Opeth World”, was 5 or 6 years ago I think.
He lended me My Arms, Your Hearse... and what can I say about that beautiful record? I was completely astonishing. Nice mellow parts, an incredible violence and screams, desperation and sadness, the necessity of claming for help -and finally- an exquisite voice made for make you cry like a baby until you fall asleep.
I’ve found (with total honesty) the soundtrack of my life.
Every person in life has the same and stupid ups and downs, and we spend the whole life trying to be happy, trying to find the love of our lives and if we can: start a family. Others find happiness helping poor people. Other people adjust their lives with simple things (like me) And that’s life, very simple, but really really hard to get on well with.
Opeth is like life itself, has every condiment, has every tear shed for the moon and stars, has every shadow; that ones who are hiding in the night awaiting for someone to rescue. Has a feeling with each one of us because we are all different, but we meet in the same point. Even if we think different, our way of feel music it’s the same.
When I’ve heard that record my search came to an end. It was like I’ve finally found myself.
I was so desperate... I couldn’t share it as much as I wish because the words are not invented yet, and it’s so personal that hurts, hope you’ll undestand this.
I was so lost and sad, maybe disgusted with myself that my life was becoming a living hell. Of course Opeth, did not save my life because if I say it I would be a completely idiot, but they transported me to an imaginary life... to a magic world where I can be what I want, and believe me, that’s amazing to me, visualize a different reality sometimes is the best option, trying to fly to another world, with my own laws, my natural flaws, but with a smile on my face.
That’s why I love this band, because I have learned that sometimes when I think I must be the only person in this earth who feel this kind of things, I’m not the only, not anymore.
So this is the soundtrack of my life: My arms, your hearse.
Maybe some of you will think that I am the most pathetic girl on earth, but this is me. Ignore it or not, it’s me.
Thanks for have spent a few seconds reading this and thanks for understand English, it is not my native languaje.

i feel this way about pooing
Luz said:
I want to share with the rest of you, when was the first time I listened to Opeth.
When my best friend introduced me into the “Opeth World”, was 5 or 6 years ago I think.
He lended me My Arms, Your Hearse... and what can I say about that beautiful record? I was completely astonishing. Nice mellow parts, an incredible violence and screams, desperation and sadness, the necessity of claming for help -and finally- an exquisite voice made for make you cry like a baby until you fall asleep.
I’ve found (with total honesty) the soundtrack of my life.
Every person in life has the same and stupid ups and downs, and we spend the whole life trying to be happy, trying to find the love of our lives and if we can: start a family. Others find happiness helping poor people. Other people adjust their lives with simple things (like me) And that’s life, very simple, but really really hard to get on well with.
Opeth is like life itself, has every condiment, has every tear shed for the moon and stars, has every shadow; that ones who are hiding in the night awaiting for someone to rescue. Has a feeling with each one of us because we are all different, but we meet in the same point. Even if we think different, our way of feel music it’s the same.
When I’ve heard that record my search came to an end. It was like I’ve finally found myself.
I was so desperate... I couldn’t share it as much as I wish because the words are not invented yet, and it’s so personal that hurts, hope you’ll undestand this.
I was so lost and sad, maybe disgusted with myself that my life was becoming a living hell. Of course Opeth, did not save my life because if I say it I would be a completely idiot, but they transported me to an imaginary life... to a magic world where I can be what I want, and believe me, that’s amazing to me, visualize a different reality sometimes is the best option, trying to fly to another world, with my own laws, my natural flaws, but with a smile on my face.
That’s why I love this band, because I have learned that sometimes when I think I must be the only person in this earth who feel this kind of things, I’m not the only, not anymore.
So this is the soundtrack of my life: My arms, your hearse.
Maybe some of you will think that I am the most pathetic girl on earth, but this is me. Ignore it or not, it’s me.
Thanks for have spent a few seconds reading this and thanks for understand English, it is not my native languaje.

Wow it´s nice to hear how other people have the same experience with this album!
MAYH is prolly also the album that moves me the most and I can also relate to it on many different levels.
Still life is also strong on me but the lyrics to MAYH are unbeatable.

God I wish there where more dedicated Opeth fans around, the world would be a much better place.:erk:
Luz= My wife's family is from Mendoza. Costa de Araujo. She was born here in the states, but she speaks castellano like me. I was there twice, once after the Malvinas war ( estaba en la colimba), and in 1990. Really nice people and beautiful part of "nuestra querida Argentina".
It's just a shame that you missed the opportunity to see Opeth live, because they are amazing. I can't get the guitars out of my mind> Chau.
De verdad? bueno, yo vivo en la capital y si vamos al punto mucho no hay para hacer (en términos de diversión) pero si, es una buena provincia donde vivir, por lo menos es más tranquilo que Buenos Aires.
Si... es lamentable lo de no haber podido presenciar el terrible show que Opeth iba a ofrecer en Chile, de hecho no llegué al lugar del evento porque me quedé en la Galería donde vendían las entradas (el dueño o empleado del lugar nos dijo que no venían porque "Estaban cansados y se volvieron a Suecia") Imagináte como me puse!!! honestamente pensé que habían hecho una jugada a lo Metallica, dejando a 70000 fanáticos (se habían vendido todas las entradas) con las manos vacías y con una impotencia imposible de describir. Al otro día me enteré de la verdadera razón y más bronca me dió, por culpa de un montón de imbéciles que no saben como organizar un show.
Leí el "Diario" donde Åkerfeldt dijo que les gustaría tocar en Argentina, esperemos que aquí los organizadores sean un poco más responsables. En el micro de Mendoza a Chile, conocimos (fuí con un amigo) a un par de chicos que venían de Buenos Aires para poder verlos, era mucha la decepción que uno siente en ese momento. Qué decirte, un par de chicos trabajaban y pidieron vacaciones por adelantado, otros debían rendir (como yo) tuve muchisimos problemas con el tema monetario, saqué plata de donde no había, tb pedí dos días de vacaciones en el trabajo (laburaba en ese entonces) pedí que me adelantaran el sueldo, y todo con la mínima idea de llegar a Chile y correr a comprar la entrada dado que no se podían señar y yo no poseo tarjeta de crédito, y más aún cuando en pleno Noviembre se pone a nevar en la Cordillera de los Andes y los buses no pueden pasar!! realmente era todo muy difícil de digerir, ya que nos perdíamos el primer show, en fin, es muy largo de contar porque NO solo nos pasó eso, fueron muchas cosas más...De ahí la terrible impotencia de que te digan: NO VIENEN PORQUE ESTAN CANSADOS...era de morirse, lloré podés imaginar cuanto, quizás suene estúpido Y patético, pero supongo que a alguien en el mundo le ha pasado de escuchar una banda con la que te identificás tanto y haces todo lo posible para ir SEA COMO SEA.
También me enteré que estaba el papá de Martín López, como te dije, no llegué al lugar del evento porque tenía muchas ganas de prenderle fuego, por lo que optamos en ir por un par de LITROS de cerveza para ahogar las penas en alcohol como quien dice.
Te dejo por ahora, ya que nadie entenderá una palabra de todo esto que te cuento o por ahí si, quien sabe.
Un gusto, cuidate mucho y saludos a tu esposa.

Luz= My wife's family is from Mendoza. Costa de Araujo. She was born here in the states, but she speaks castellano like me. I was there twice, once after the Malvinas war ( estaba en la colimba), and in 1990. Really nice people and beautiful part of "nuestra querida Argentina".
It's just a shame that you missed the opportunity to see Opeth live, because they are amazing. I can't get the guitars out of my mind> Chau.
I like raw tuna or slightly seared tuna over spring mix salad with
a lime based dressing. Mabey some toasted sesame breadsticks
and an olive oil dip on the side.
I just figured this thread needs a bumping. My arms your hearse is a ridiculously good album and now that i think about it... every part of my life, or everything i could go through can be addressed on this album both lyrically and musically.
How did I miss this one? Anyway, fucking great album. Still my fave Opeth to listen to in its entirety...I skip around on most others, but not this one.
Anyway, there's been lots of music that's saved my arse. Too many times, too many examples. I guess music is a real necessity... (Too bad the dipshits in the US government don't see it that way and take away funding for it in schools...)