They made me do a 360!

! And then a 180 to get me going in a different direction. I had been listening to numetal

. I was already getting kinda bored of it, and so I was on a napster chat room and this guy goes "Opeth rules, download Opeth from me, my upload queue is full, but i'll gladly boot him off to let you get Opeth, I must spread the word." So he persuaded me to get "The Moor". I was interested at how someone could get so excited over music. So he makes me promise to listen to it more than once, I did, and he was off. I listened to it the first time, I had mixed feelings. Why was this song so long, why are they growling

I kept to my word and gave it a go two more times that night, still wasn't sure how much I liked them, maybe i'd toss it on my MP3 player, maybe i'd get more songs, no big deal. The next day at school I had a distinctive sound playing through my head, the intro to the moor. All throughout the day I'd hear "A SARRASERVA UPON MY BLUHBLUH" (I had no clue what he was saying, but I remembered what the growls sounded like

) By the time I got home I knew I needed to listen to it some more. I listened to it a few more times, started getting more Opeth songs too. So I added Opeth to my MP3 folder (I was an MP3 bum if you couldn't tell already). Time went by, I still listened to my numetal with some Opeth thrown in. I decided to see what else sounded like Opeth, I ran across Therion, liked them, added to MP3 folder. Came across some other death metal/blackmetal, didn't do much, but the basic idea was I was hearing new stuff. More time went by and I realized that I wasn't listening to numetal at all, all my MP3 lists were Opeth, Tool, or Therion. I shrugged it off and considered it a phase. I went back to listen to my favorite Slipknot song a while later, and I realized that it was boring, and it was nothing compared to Opeth. I looked at my folder, listened to all my numetal, and none of it really floated my boat. I decided, screw this, and deleted everything but Opeth, Therion, and Tool. A few months later I decided I wanted to hear the actual albums and not random songs, so I ordered all three Tool albums (Lateralus wasn't out yet) and all Four Opeth albums (BWP wasn't out yet) I got them and began to appreciate the music a lot more. I also started searching for other music online, I was finding other stuff I liked, and buying the CD's. A year or so went by and I decided to see if Opeth was up to anything and browsed over to I saw something like "Join the Opeth messageboard to chat about music with fellow fans at ultimatemetal" something like that, decided to give it a go, read it for a few weeks. Then I realized I liked it a lot and made Oyo, and here I am

I think that was a bit excessive, but realize if it weren't for Opeth I probably would have lost interest in music in a few months and just decided there wasn't much good music out there.