bleed for me
hard to reply to this because i've had way too many phases and stages and emotional states in my life...even though i'm only 15!

Hannu - Black Sabbath's "Iron Man" was a pretty easy one in there...
"Self Esteem" by The Offspring and "Where the Slime Live" by Morbid Angel? (both are grrreat songs!!)
Originally posted by Hannu Mutanen
Bingo, correct, onneksi olkoon! So, now we have but the last one to discover. (A nod to the so-called avant-gardists here...)
Originally posted by dill_the_devil
"Three Libras" by A Perfect Circle - at the time I really, really liked a girl who really wasn't interested in me at all, but I didn't realise that until after I'd been egged on by friends to tell her how I feel and ask her out. I was promptly knocked back. So when I heard Maynard singing 'I threw you the obvious and you flew with it on your back', I felt he was singing my song.
Arcturus-Painting my horror