

Feb 1, 2006
Birmingham UK
I need to know if any unscrupulous fans know how I can get my 13 year old son into the Astoria gig. No under 14's allowed in and they need photo id for 14-17 yr olds...what ID would that be if you didnt have a passport? I dont think I know any 14 year olds anyway whose parents would let me use their passport even if there was a similarity!! So I need to know what ID you younger fans are going to get in with please. If not does anyone want to buy a ticket at face value??!!
Thanks all.
13 year old listening to COB :erk:

MY 13 year old is fairly mature in every respect. He is an accomplished keyboard player and I see no reason why he wouldnt like Children of Bodom given their style of music. Im 44 and theyre probably my favourite band...or is that not allowed either?? His maturity is plainly more obvious than yours!
MY 13 year old is fairly mature in every respect. He is an accomplished keyboard player and I see no reason why he wouldnt like Children of Bodom given their style of music. Im 44 and theyre probably my favourite band...or is that not allowed either?? His maturity is plainly more obvious than yours!

You're probably better off ignoring this moron completely. After a few weeks reading the crap he writes, you'll wanna shoot yourself.

As for your original question, I honestly wouldn't have a clue about what to do, unless his birthday is before that date, which is probably isn't otherwise you wouldn't be asking this.

I'm not sure what age they give out Connections cards but there's probably a few kids there that'll be using those if they're under 18 and/or don't own a driving liscence or passport.

Try having a look at that. It's for 11-15yr olds and requires a photo and probably a DOB so it's better than nothing I suppose.

K-Man said:
Why? Cause I changed my avatar, or is that a bit O sarcasm?


You "signed" your post "K-Man", even though your username is "K-Man". It's completely unnecessary.
I need to know if any unscrupulous fans know how I can get my 13 year old son into the Astoria gig. No under 14's allowed in and they need photo id for 14-17 yr olds...what ID would that be if you didnt have a passport? I dont think I know any 14 year olds anyway whose parents would let me use their passport even if there was a similarity!! So I need to know what ID you younger fans are going to get in with please. If not does anyone want to buy a ticket at face value??!!
Thanks all.


I'd recommend you to call Astoria and explain the situation if I understood right that you're going with him. I'd assume it might be negotiable that your son could come in with a guardian. Otherwise, you might wanna try your luck and in the (unlikely?) case that they actually would ask for an id, you could just explain that you didn't know he needs one and that's why you didn't bring one. It doesn't seem very likely that they'd actually be that strict about it especially if the case is that the kid isn't alone.
Thanks for your help - unfortunately dont live in London so its a big risk to try my luck on the night if we both get turned away. I called the Astoria and they dont care that Im going with him - no under 14's whatsoever. I need fake ID really but thats not being a responsible parent and certainly not setting a good example!! (any offers??) I shall just have to hope they tour europe and take him somewhere else!
MY 13 year old is fairly mature in every respect. He is an accomplished keyboard player and I see no reason why he wouldnt like Children of Bodom given their style of music. Im 44 and theyre probably my favourite band...or is that not allowed either?? His maturity is plainly more obvious than yours!

Ok, fair enough.. that's cool. I didn't know. But you gotta understand it's not good for f.ex my image that I wear COB merchandise and then a bunch of 12-y-o Alexi wannabes pass by :rolleyes: I don't care if you're 9 years old COB fan if you at least play an instrument by yourself..

You're probably better off ignoring this moron completely. After a few weeks reading the crap he writes, you'll wanna shoot yourself.
