Astral Doors - Notes From The Shadows

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
The band can do no wrong in my eyes though I must admit the last couple of albums haven't been amazing just more of the same goodness. I do hope they do go back to the amazing albums of their beginning personally speaking. Listening to this teaser I can hear some hope that they will do so. It will be a really solid one at the least anyway. The guitars sound fiery and Patrik is sounding his usual aggressive self. I hope the choruses are really over the top is time as I like it when they a little more outrageous sounding.

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I'm unfortunately underwhelmed by Astral Doors with every new album they put out, and Notes From The Shadows is no exception. Maybe I'm alone in this, but it just strikes me as very formulaic and without much for it to stand out - I believe pretty firmly that without NPJ fronting the band, it would be even less well-known than it is.

Not to mention I feel that NPJ's last couple of releases have been a misuse/waste of his voice (thinking of Civil War here). This coming from someone that far prefers his work in Lion's Share (on the heavy metal side) and Wuthering Heights (on the power/prog end), admittedly.
Not to mention I feel that NPJ's last couple of releases have been a misuse/waste of his voice (thinking of Civil War here). This coming from someone that far prefers his work in Lion's Share (on the heavy metal side) and Wuthering Heights (on the power/prog end), admittedly.

I beg to differ. For me, the Civil War album is pretty much the one where NPJ sings the best. He used his "smoother" voice much more, which is great. I sometimes get tired of the "angry Dio" mode he uses too often IMO at times in Astral Doors. But he still rules as a singer.

New Astral Doors is more of the same indeed but I have no problem with that, as I love the band and this sound. And it's quality stuff, well sung, well played and well produced.
I'm unfortunately underwhelmed by Astral Doors with every new album they put out, and Notes From The Shadows is no exception. Maybe I'm alone in this, but it just strikes me as very formulaic and without much for it to stand out - I believe pretty firmly that without NPJ fronting the band, it would be even less well-known than it is.

Not to mention I feel that NPJ's last couple of releases have been a misuse/waste of his voice (thinking of Civil War here). This coming from someone that far prefers his work in Lion's Share (on the heavy metal side) and Wuthering Heights (on the power/prog end), admittedly.

I'm right there with you. I really found this latest release to be quite boring. I absolutely love Evil Is Forever and since they the band hasn't tread any new ground

Scheduled for release in North America via Metalville Records (with distribution through eOne) on October 28th, Sweden’s keepers of classic heavy metal, Astral Doors, are set to unveil their seventh release with the full-length album, Notes From The Shadows.

Never got the full appeal. Always been an average band by my standards - then again, I never really sat down and listened through a whole album...
As I see it, this band is doing exactly what they set out to do...paying homage to the "classic" hard rock/metal pioneers like Deep Purple and Rainbow, albeit with modern production values. To that end, they have succeeded. I think of them almost like a tribute band. And I don't mean that as an insult by the way...I quite like the band.
I wouldn't recommend starting with the new one. Their early stuff is very solid.

I highly recommend the new one.

Their discs are actually more alike than different. In fact, the weakest disc by far is Astralism. But not because of musicianship or songwriting imo. The production was abysmal, with the rhythm guitars insanely overmodulated. Even the band agreed, having commented on it in interviews and forum posts. In fact, they were so unhappy with the way it sounded that they released a remixed/remastered version for the Japanese market.
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Maybe because I have been on board from their debut back in 2003, Of the Son and the Father is the go-to Astral Doors release for me. It's the reincarnate of a really heavy, amped up version of Rainbow. NPJ doing his best Ronnie James Dio, killer drums, Deep Purple keys. It's one hell of an homage to the wonderful early to mid 70's sub-genre of rock n roll.

They are what they are. No groundbreaking stuff here, just good old fun heavy metal. I mean come on, how can one resist "Slay the Dragon"

Slay the dragon. Kill the beast
Power knight of heavenly might
Slay the Dragon. Join the feast
It's not human,save us now
We all know that you're divine