AT F***IN' LAST!! my avatar...

and indeed your the only one who has replied to your post :lol:

actually it took me like 2 hours to get my avvy ready too so I feel your pain, its quite a triumph isnt it? :grin:
I stole my avatar from someone on an Evangelion-forum, so it was nicely of the right size already... :) And it is better than yours! :p

But that Agathodaimon-avatar is great as well!

ehmmm I'm sorry to say, that mine was online spending just 2 minutes of my time....
even I still don't know how to use (or what is used for) the Vpad!
I think this vPad thing is some sort of can keep some notes there...for example if you are posting and have to go before you end your post,you can save your thoughts there and save them until the next time you will be able to complete your post...
got a new digi camera for christmas thus ive created a new avvy with my ugly mug on it. Oh well, *buries his Alexi Laiho avatar* er wait....that means i gotta bury my comp.......grr....

Final_Vision: *hauling his comp into a ditch*
@F_V... Heheee... I actually think that everyone should have an av. with thier face... But, but... Hey! Send me some Californian sun!! (could use some right now..:)

-phyros (frozen, hungry, hangoverish)
yeah I agree, but not everyone has a digital camera, if you do than god damnit put yourself in your avatar, unless in fact your a robot or something......a catalan robot........ *dun dun DUN*

Hmm the California sun eh? Well cant help you there considering its usually raining and freezing cold here as well, gonna have to consult someone in florida for that one hehe.
I wouldn't mind a digital camera....I actually have a colour scanner, but don't have any pictures more recent then 2 years ago. Only took me 2min to get my Av up, but that's just because I've been on a board that uses the same setup before....took me 30min on that board.:cry: