At last i saw them!!

Sorry to interrupt but I was at the Bolton gig and walked before the end for 2 reasons. Firstly,the place was totally inapproriate for a Saxon gig and secondly, Biff slagged off Yorkshire in front of my own eyes. Disappointed? You bet! I can empathise with him that the previous gig in Bradford wasn't exactly packed out but you don't slag off people who have made the effort and paid their hard-earned cash to be there. The place it was at (Penningtons) is a 'chicken-in-a-basket' type place more accustomed to O/D Saxon but it still hurt.
I can't remember any comments that Biff made about Yorkshire Bert, it was a long time ago. But seeing as Biff is from Yorkshire himself, I'm sure he was only kidding! I can slag off London because I'm a Londoner, but when someone else does it, it's a bit naughty.

Same thing applies to Biff really.
I can't remember him saying owt bad either to be honest - in fact at the other two gigs I've been at of theirs, I'm pretty sure he has thanked people for giving their time and hard earned money to be at the gig! Maybe you're being a tad sensitive Bert, but we're all entitled to our feelings, so if he upset you, then you have the right to say so.
Sammi195 (or Sammi if I may) I would love to agree with you but I am from Leicester.You see the problem is everyone down south thinks thinks we are flat cap wearing tight nothern cunts who work in mines,and everyone up North thinks we are shandy drinking poofters.So you all hate me so you can all bollox I'm from fucking Leicester and drink Lager and bitter and Cider in same fucking glass and we are dead hard and hehehehehehehhehehhehehehhehehehe.
Have you been drinking it tonight, by any chance? :lol:

You may indeed call me Sammi (hey, at least you spelt it right, more than I can say for my beloved!) hehehe

Can't say I have any particular opinion about Leicester folk, having never met any, but I'm sure you're all delightful! :grin: