At last i saw them!!


New Metal Member
Sep 4, 2003
Manchester UK
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I have never had the chance to see Saxon live before, due to either financial reasons in my younger days, or more recently being out of the country on holiday when they have toured before.
Well having seen them at Bloodstock I can say it was worth the wait,what a great show.
Needless to say have bought the 'Chronicles' DVD since then and it's a great package that i heartily recommend to anyone.
It's great to see a band who started out in the late 70's still relevant and sounding even better these days.
Look forward to seeing the band in this country again soon.
Oi, no it wasn't boring at all...not the best Saxon gig I've been to (or best gig full stop!) but it wasn't THAT bad!! Proper gig/Proper fans? Well, you were there too are you not a proper fan then? :D
Sure are Wilks - I've only seen 'em three times, and have to say I enjoyed the Brussels gig the most, then the London (Astoria) one, then Bolton last - but if I hadn't enjoyed the Bolton one, I wouldn't have gone to the other two - so I can't knock Bolton, even though the venue was totally unsuitable for them really. Despite what Paxoman says, there were hundreds of people there - he's just biased 'cos it wasn't in London!
Err excuse me luvvie yerself! :lol: What I meant was that you don't think anything outside of London is any good - but maybe I should have said you didn't like Bolton cos it isn't "darn sarf" then!! :lol:

But you're right, they shouldn't have played at Bolton when they could have played at any number of better suited venues in Manchester City Centre, and maybe they'd have had more people there then as well. No offence to Bolton - but come on - what on EARTH possessed them to choose Bolton!! :D