At the Left Hand ov God cover - take 2!


Feb 20, 2005
Hey guys, I re-recorded the DI's for this with my EMG81 at a good height, and re-tweaked my Recto before re-amping again - personally, I can feel my own bowels moving when I listen to this, but other opinions (good or bad) are welcome! :D

Godammit, seriously? I always do that, and this time I made a conscious effort to try to raise the drums more to overcompensate, and I guess they're STILL too low! :mad: Arrrggghh, curse this whole "mixing" thing, why can't it just all be about the guitars? :lol: Anyway though, to answer your question, yes, it's only the guitars I'm looking for feedback on; the drums are the same half-assed original DFH samples loaded into Battery 1 (all pirated, but at least all very obsolete! :D) setup that I've been using for like 5 years; I'm never gonna bother asking for feedback on drums until I can finally afford some better VSTi (probably SSD 3.0 EX), so yeah, tone opinions only pleez :D
Loud clip haha I jumped from my seat when it started. I like the guitar tone though. Nice and full, not fizzy and pretty raw. I was personally hoping for more raw and maybe a bit more low mids for that growl, but thats just me
Haha, yup, -10 RMS, homie don't play! :heh: Thanks for the comments dude, I actually made a conscious effort this time to try to tame the low mids, gotta leave room for the bass! (which is absent here)
Do you want opinions on the guitar tone or the whole mix? :loco:
I suggest you to do a very narrow cut at 6300~ (at least like 9 db) on the guitars, there's an unpleasant peak there.
A bass would probably help the heavyness in the guitar as usual.
Haha, yup, -10 RMS, homie don't play! :heh: Thanks for the comments dude, I actually made a conscious effort this time to try to tame the low mids, gotta leave room for the bass! (which is absent here)

Ah ok, so thats why :D

Ps. do you have time to program some quick drums with your inferior VSTi? I made a drop A# clip but it totally needs some drums :confused:
Do you want opinions on the guitar tone or the whole mix? :loco:
I suggest you to do a very narrow cut at 6300~ (at least like 9 db) on the guitars, there's an unpleasant peak there.
A bass would probably help the heavyness in the guitar as usual.

For your first question, see my first reply ;) And thanks for the comments on the rest, the only eq here is HP/LP, but I'll experiment with cutting, cuz I hear it too. And yeah, once I get a spare $300 or so, I'm totally picking up a bass at long last!

And Mark, no prob. dude, PM me!
Pm'ed:D its very very rough and raw though, going to redo it with the drums, also gotta EQ it and maybe use less gain.

I listened to your track again, and maybe in the second half with that lead guitar, the background guitar could be a little louder...its getting drowned out by the lead and drums.


on second thought turn down that lead guitar since its already kinda loud :D
Cool dude, PM received - I still have a bit more schoolwork to polish off before I'm done for good, but I should be able to get to it at some point today! And yeah, the thing with that "lead" part is it's just the right rhythm guitar track playing strummed octaves, and I suppose simply because they're higher in pitch they come through much clearer despite being at the exact same level - I may futz with automating, we shall see...
Okay, now the guitars are have a bit too much bite I would say.
Something around 4k, makes it sound a bit tinny plus you'll have trouble with vox if that area is too prominent.
I think it's lacking bass too, not much though.

Other than that I think this tone could work pretty well in a mix, aggressive and cutting.
Thanks dude! Lacking bass, well, I'll wait until I buy a bass and incorporate one to decide that ;) As for bite/tinny, yeah, I hear what you mean; I wouldn't wanna lower it took much, but I agree it could use a bit of taming. But it's not honky like the last one, right? And it has enough gain this time, right? RIGHT?!?!? Come on, work with me here buddy, I'm trying :D
This is a really awesome tone man. I feel like there needs to be some more thud and maybe even a tad more gain or something, but at the same time, I think with the addition of bass it would get that huge sound I'm thinking about. Those big open palm mutey parts just sound a little bit weird, but it also may even be that the drums don't sound amazing for those enormous hits that just CRASH in those parts of the song. Is it double or quad tracked?

It has a really nice sustain to it that I love, and I would LOVE to hear it in a full, huge sounding mix, because I think it would be ridiculously good.
Thanks dude! Lacking bass, well, I'll wait until I buy a bass and incorporate one to decide that ;) As for bite/tinny, yeah, I hear what you mean; I wouldn't wanna lower it took much, but I agree it could use a bit of taming. But it's not honky like the last one, right? And it has enough gain this time, right? RIGHT?!?!? Come on, work with me here buddy, I'm trying :D

Yup you're right about the bass that should fill that hole, hard to say with no bass guitar in it which is the (w)hole point I'm trying to make :D

Not honky but actually I was thinking that it might have too much gain now.
Where did you have the presence knob at btw?
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW :)lol:) Honktacular! :D I guess I'll have to accept it!.

Nah, just kidding, It sounds good, but a little grainy for my taste, oh and a bit too much presence going on (or too much dustcap maybe). Good tone to work on, though.
Get a bass guitar and make our bowels dance along.
Thanks a lot Dylan! It's double-tracked, quad is too much effort :D Bernhard, I had the presence knob at around 12:30, but I'm thinking it might be the treble knob that's more to blame; balancing those two bastards (and the dustcap) is ever so maddening! Erik, well played :lol:
It's got that oversized muddiness with the Recto that I really don't like. I think the oversized cabs sound great with any amp BUT the Recto. It just emphasizes too much of the frequencies that the amp already has too much of: low mids and the boomy 100 Hz area. I think the real version of this song also has too much of that, but if that's the sound you're going for, I think you've come pretty close.
Well you're of course entitled to your opinion, and tone is an entirely subjective thing, but I can't resist:

I was personally hoping for more raw and maybe a bit more low mids for that growl, but thats just me

A bass would probably help the heavyness in the guitar as usual.

I think it's lacking bass too, not much though.

I feel like there needs to be some more thud...but at the same time, I think with the addition of bass it would get that huge sound I'm thinking about.

Get a bass guitar and make our bowels dance along.

:D And I disagree with you, naturally - I'm loving this head/cab combo, and while I agree about the hi-end thing others have mentioned, a little tweaking will remedy that! And even if I did think it had too much bass, well, there's always a knob for that, and I'd much rather have a little extra bass than the stuffy wool of the Stiletto cab! Thanks for listening though dude, and it's probably just a taste factor!
You know, it may be these f#cking headphones that I'm listening on. I'm still not familiar with them, and they aren't the greatest. I have the same problem with my monitors. I need to listen to all this stuff in my car as that's where I do a majority of my listening and I'm familiar with those speakers. Actually, I just need to learn my monitors a bit better.

I do find the mix of that album a bit muddy, though...even in my car.