Re-tweaked the Recto (To stand, straight...)

This makes me so excited to record some clips with my recto this afternoon!

I might do a different Behemoth song as a sample. :lol:
Woahhhhh what a presence!!!??? This is awesome! But you really must turn up about 7-9 KHZ!!! After that you´ll get an absolute death bringing monstersound..hahaha This Rectifier is definitively the next amp I´ll buy. I´m impressed, Marcus!!
I'm not sure if I'm listening to the clip the others were listening to but the guitars don't really need a highend boost IMHO.
It is a bit boomy but you could easily control that with some lowmid comp. It feels like your loudness boost killed the tone a bit, doesn't sound very wide plus it is waaaaay too high up in the mix. You can do better I'm sure :D
Thanks guys, much appreciated! (especially from you Lasse, since you're a fellow 2-channel owner, and far more experienced with it than I!) I'll make some more clipz tomorrow!
Whoa! That is some vicious tone you got there! I might lower the mids abit, but then again, this sound is unique enough
to build the rest of a mix around this tone (on certain projects) without changing the gits too much. Definitely a keeper!
Sounds really crushing, I agree just a tiny tiny less mids, and have it sit a little lower in the mix and it will be balls to the wall!

I think that fixed and some bass thrown in there it would sound epic