O.K Here's the truth!!!!

Mar 18, 2004
Hartford, CT
I met Katie in the summer of 2000, She was going into the 9th grade at the time. I used to coach baseball for our high school as a part time gig as I attended culinary classes at night. She really looked old for her age and was very mature. One day as I was teaching a young student the proper technique in throwing an off speed pitch she walked passed the field and our eyes locked in a moment of unbridaled intrigue! I thought to myself... "I must find out who this girl is!" So I asked a couple of the players on my team and they told me "Yea that's katie, she's a pretty cool chick" We finally met several weeks later as she walked passed the coach's office in a skirt so low cut that it would've made Heidi Fleiss blush! I wanted to visit her good and plenty garden of gratification! The smell of her estrogen filled honey cup was looming in the august air! Oh how sweet a smell!!

Despite the 9 year age difference we bonded and had much in common! We both loved to drink whiskey, had the same favorite taste's in films, and we both liked metal. At the time she was only listening to the mainstream stuff like Metallica, Megadeth, Anthrax, Slayer and so forth! I eventually turned her on to nevermore and our bond grew and grew.

She came from a broken home. (Abusive father, alcoholic mother) They were a part of the U.S Govt's revolving door of social deviants! Spending as much time in prison as they would out. So I invited her to come stay with me. She was 16 at the time.

At first things were great, I'd come home after a long day of work and culinary study and we'd make love like two rabbits fighting over a carrot. But much to my shagrin our twisted tale of unlikely love went astray!!!! The day I introduced her to Zack!!!!!!

Zack was a mild manner man from the slum part of Hartford. (They only had a starbucks every 2 miles as opposed to every half mile) I knew Zack from parties thrown by Chris Sanzo, (that's also how I met Max) Zack was 18 yr's old and a world class swimmer... He wanted to compete in the 2004 Athen's games intil a dirtbike injury sidelined him. Being on the shelf left Zack with a hole in his soul. So to compensate for not being able to fulfill his passion of getting into tip top shape to compete in the olympics , he substituted this hole by getting acquainted with Katie behind my back!

First it was just harmless. Luncheons, an occasional phone call, going shopping. But then they got a little too close! Seeing that I was always away at the culinary arts academy Zack and Kate decided why not bite the hand that feeds them! Like I said before...Not only did I buy Katie a 2003 Acura Integra, pay off her credit card debts, BUT I even paid for her sister's orthodontic repair work to correct a misaligned underbite that made her resemble a prepubescent yukon yokel!

It was February 12th, 2003 (2 days before Valentines Day) I came home to our condominium and walked in to one of the most gut wrenching, tear jerking, heart breaking scenes the world has ever been subjugated to!!! I walked in on both of them as they came together to create the "Beast with 2 backs"!

I fell to my knees, my heart crumbled in my hands, my soul remnants of what it was just moments prior! I screamed "Get the fuck off of her motherfucker!!!"

Zack rose off of her with pre-cum falling off of his throbbing member. The smell of lustful passion simmering through the air like a polluted beach after high tide.

I motioned towards Zack to exit the premises. All while hoping a confrontation would not occur. (Not only was he an exceptional swimmer, but he was also a brown belt in Ju-Jitsu. He shamefully grabbed his garments from the sin stained floor and left my once humble abode!

I then told that Wench that we we're through! And what hurt the most was... She didn't seem to mind!!! She promptly evacuated our once sacred sanctuary! In MY 2003 Acura Integra!!!!!!!

I shortly put in my 2 week notice as Head Baseball Instructor. Seeing that I wouldn't be able to bare the pain of seeing her once cherubic-esque face tainted by her devious agenda of selfishness!!!

I tried calling her time and time again to regain possession of that fine automobile! To no avail! She had her cellphone disconnected and all contact was lost. .

Finally I realized that maybe, just maybe my good buddy Max (Marksveld) could help me get ahold of her. He gave me his email address and phone number back in april of 2003 at a big party held at Chris Santo's house while his parent's were away at spring break! He recognized that fri-to-lay from the nevermore message board and gave me access to one of his secondary screennames "Slipknot are tr00". That's his sentiments on the band folks not mine! I denounce all forms of false metal! Max on the other hand still finds pleasure in listening to his Ill Nino records. But to each his own! But that's besides the point!

The fact of the matter is this... Kate I want my car back! I could care less if your father is back in the pen and your mother is dousing her insides with Daniel's favorite son Jack. I demand the car in front of my door by 6pm tonight. Or else I'll reveal the truth behind why you now prefer Vodka to whiskey!

You didn't think I heard about that did you? Ahahahahahah!

P.S Where were you last night Max? The lemon chick at the China Dragon was to die for!
I am a dynamic figure, often seen scaling walls and crushing ice.

I have been known to remodel train stations on my lunch breaks, making them more efficient in the area of heat retention. I translate ethnic slurs for Cuban refugees, I write award-winning operas, I manage time efficiently.

Occasionally, I tread water for three days in a row. I woo women with my sensuous and godlike trombone playing, I can pilot bicycles up severe inclines with unflagging speed, and I cook Thirty-Minute Brownies in twenty minutes. I am an expert in stucco, a veteran in love, and an outlaw in Peru.

Using only a hoe and a large glass of water, I once single-handedly defended a small village in the Amazon Basin from a horde of ferocious army ants. I play bluegrass cello, I was scouted by the Mets, I am the subject of numerous documentaries. When I'm bored, I build large suspension bridges in my yard. I enjoy urban hang gliding. On Wednesdays, after school, I repair electrical appliances free of charge.

I am an abstract artist, a concrete analyst, and a ruthless bookie. Critics worldwide swoon over my original line of corduroy evening wear.

I don't perspire. I am a private citizen, yet I receive fan mail. I have been caller number nine and have won the weekend passes. Last summer I toured New Jersey with a travelling centrifugal-force demonstration.

I bat 400.

My deft floral arrangements have earned me fame in international botany circles. Children trust me.

I can hurl tennis rackets at small moving objects with deadly accuracy. I once read Paradise Lost, Moby Dick and David Copperfield in one day and still had time to refurbish an entire dining room that evening. I know the exact location of every food item in the supermarket. I have performed several covert operations with the CIA. I sleep once a week; when I do sleep, I sleep in a chair. While on vacation in Canada, I successfully negotiated with a group of terrorists who had seized a small bakery. The laws of physics do not apply to me.

I balance, I weave, I dodge, I frolic, and my bills are all paid.

On weekends, to let off steam, I participate in full-contact origami. Years ago I discovered the meaning of life but forgot to write it down. I have made extraordinary four course meals using only a mouli and a toaster oven.

I breed prizewinning clams. I have won bullfights in San Juan, cliff-diving competitions in Sri Lanka, and spelling bees at the Kremlin.

I have played Hamlet, I have performed open-heart surgery, and I have spoken with Elvis.

But I have not yet gone to college.
i didnt even bother reading the whole thing......summer of 2000? i started 9th grade in the summer of 2001...who the fuck r u kidding? and if you so very much know me...what is the right spelling of my name? date of birth? who is the one person i hate the most of hope to die? and most of all...you would know that i wouldnt date an idiot like you simply because you have nothing better to do that waste your time on typing that whole thing and listening to slipknot.
most of all if you knew me...you would know what Metallica and Megadeth dont exactly have alot of space in my music collection
put your cramps behind you and laugh at this pirates balls.
BleedingNeonBlack said:
i didnt even bother reading the whole thing......summer of 2000? i started 9th grade in the summer of 2001...who the fuck r u kidding? and if you so very much know me...what is the right spelling of my name? date of birth? who is the one person i hate the most of hope to die? and most of all...you would know that i wouldnt date an idiot like you simply because you have nothing better to do that waste your time on typing that whole thing and listening to slipknot.
most of all if you knew me...you would know what Metallica and Megadeth dont exactly have alot of space in my music collection

And I can answer of all the following...

1. "summer of 2000? i started 9th grade in the summer of 2001"

You were held back due to not being able to stay on the same level with your classmates. (Your troubling homelife could very well be the result of that)

2. who the fuck r u kidding?

No one I'm dead serious "Kaitlyn"

3. date of birth?

February 29th 1987...But that could very well be lie! Much like the time when you told me that you loved me!

4. who is the one person i hate the most of hope to die?
Obviously it's me, seeing that you ripped my fucking heart out!

5. you would know that i wouldnt date an idiot like you simply because you have nothing better to do that waste your time on typing that whole thing and listening to slipknot.

If you had the patience you A.D.D. inflicted trollop! You'de read through what I wrote and notice that this is not my screenname! It's Marksveld's that he loaned to me!

6. you would know what Metallica and Megadeth dont exactly have alot of space in my music collection[/QUOTE]

You own Metallic Kill-Em, AJFA, Mop, Black album & Megadeth Peace Sells, Youthanasia, and Risk. Not every album of their catalogue. But enough.

See you swine!!! You've probably been with so many guys in your days that you don't even remember me! But that can't be true. No one is as stupid as I am to go out and purchase a brand new car for some cheap hussy who pulled the wool over their eyes. I unfortunately am a sap! Oh how I loved you! Love is a tangled web of deceit! And Kaitlyn you're the Widow!!! Preying on the weak and sentimental!
Slipknot are tr00 said:
And I can answer of all the following...

1. "summer of 2000? i started 9th grade in the summer of 2001"

You were held back due to not being able to stay on the same level with your classmates. (Your troubling homelife could very well be the result of that)

2. who the fuck r u kidding?

No one I'm dead serious "Kaitlyn"

3. date of birth?

February 29th 1987...But that could very well be lie! Much like the time when you told me that you loved me!

4. who is the one person i hate the most of hope to die?
Obviously it's me, seeing that you ripped my fucking heart out!

5. you would know that i wouldnt date an idiot like you simply because you have nothing better to do that waste your time on typing that whole thing and listening to slipknot.

If you had the patience you A.D.D. inflicted trollop! You'de read through what I wrote and notice that this is not my screenname! It's Marksveld's that he loaned to me!

6. you would know what Metallica and Megadeth dont exactly have alot of space in my music collection

You own Metallic Kill-Em, AJFA, Mop, Black album & Megadeth Peace Sells, Youthanasia, and Risk. Not every album of their catalogue. But enough.

See you swine!!! You've probably been with so many guys in your days that you don't even remember me! But that can't be true. No one is as stupid as I am to go out and purchase a brand new car for some cheap hussy who pulled the wool over their eyes. I unfortunately am a sap! Oh how I loved you! Love is a tangled web of deceit! And Kaitlyn you're the Widow!!! Preying on the weak and sentimental!

yooz really slippin' up, mister :Spin:
*trots away* :p