O.K. Neverheadz thoughts on TestAmenT!!!


Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
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I think enough has been said. TestAment!!! I've been following them since I saw the video for "Trial By Fire" and the video for tne Aerosmith cover "Nobody's Fault". Anyway, seen TestAmenT live 2X. Saw them on the "Low" tour with James Murphy on guitar with the original band at Bogarts with downset(Biohazard clones) and RedSquareBlack(featuring John Lowery of Rob Zombie/Marilyn Manson/David Lee Roth fame on guitar) and Randy Castillo R.I.P. (Ozzy/Lita Ford /Motley Crue on drums). Also saw them in Lexington, KY on "The Gathering" tour with the all-star line up of the following: Chuck Billy-vocals, Eric Peterson-guitar, James Murphy-guitar, and my personal favorites, Steve DiGiorgio-Bass, and Dave Lombardo-drums. I've also met Alex Skolnick with his trio and got his autograph. Shook his hand and told him that I respected his playing on Savatage's/Hand Full Of Rain. I told him that he aproached guitar on that recording the way he thought the "late, great Criss Oliva" woul've have aproached "it". He shook my hand and tole me that nobody had ever told him that. Anyway, TestAmenT is my favorite band out of Metallica, Slayer, Anthrax, and other "trash bands".
Testament is fucking awesome!!! i love them alot!
i got into them when i was 12 when i heard the Legacy! damn good shit! i finally got to see them live last year! <3
the legacy is fucking awesome and i really like the gathering. demonic and low really don't do anything for me. whenever i see them live playing the old stuff its a good ole thrashin fun time but hopefully after thier new album they'll give a little love to the gathering =(. even though the gathering has a newer thrash kinda vibe to it i love it. i wish i saw chuck billy back in the beginning though, his voice doesn't sound 100% perfect to me =/
Well saying Testament is better than Metallica and Anthrax is no compliment.
But yeah, Testament are gods. They are one of the best thrash bands ever. It's a shame they didn't debut a year or two earlier. They would have definitely made it the Big 5 or kicked out one of the Big 4. I cannot wait till the new album comes out. One of the guys at Living For Metal interviewed Eric Peterson and the interview was linked on Blabbermouth. Eric said it's supposed to be real old-school Testament. Not that I really care so much since nothing Testament ever put out could even be called great since it is so much more than that. The worst thing Testament ever did would still be called excellent.

By the way, I completely agree about the Handful Of Rain comment. I think Alex really played how Criss would have.
By the way, I completely agree about the Handful Of Rain comment. I think Alex really played how Criss would have.[/quote]

That's what I was trying to say in as few words as possible. Thank god someone agrees with me.

the phish said:
who was in the big 4 again? metallica, anthrax, megadeth, and who?
Slayer. The only good ones were Megadeth and Slayer.
It should have been Testament, Exodus, Slayer and Megadeth. Although Dark Angel and Forbidden would have been nice too. Heathen also. Laaz Rockit too. Hmmm, there are way too many bands who deserved to be in the top 4. Metallica and Anthrax did not deserve it at all.
Metal head87 said:
Slayer. The only good ones were Megadeth and Slayer.
It should have been Testament, Exodus, Slayer and Megadeth. Although Dark Angel and Forbidden would have been nice too. Heathen also. Laaz Rockit too. Hmmm, there are way too many bands who deserved to be in the top 4. Metallica and Anthrax did not deserve it at all.

Metallica deffinately deserved it there first 3 albums are classic thrash, and without them there wouldn't have been a Megadeth
TESTAMENT RULES! My old band (Turkey Neck) actually opened for them once.
Rock Soldier said:
Metallica deffinately deserved it there first 3 albums are classic thrash, and without them there wouldn't have been a Megadeth

actually, without Mustaine, there wouldn't have been a Metallica. he wrote the majority of KeA and Ride the Lightning, no? also, MoP was totally Cliff-inspired
Metal head87 said:
Slayer. The only good ones were Megadeth and Slayer.
It should have been Testament, Exodus, Slayer and Megadeth. Although Dark Angel and Forbidden would have been nice too. Heathen also. Laaz Rockit too. Hmmm, there are way too many bands who deserved to be in the top 4. Metallica and Anthrax did not deserve it at all.
No. Stop rewriting history just because you don't like newer material. This isn't necessarily an evalutation of overall quality - popularity, originality and influence are the key.

Will Bozarth said:
actually, without Mustaine, there wouldn't have been a Metallica. he wrote the majority of KeA and Ride the Lightning, no?
No. He wrote some riffs on both. Hetfield wrote many, Ulrich did the arrangements.

Testament is one of the best live bands I've ever seen, but again, spotty studio stuff. Their first couple albums suffer from mediocre drumming and crap production values, which is a shame, cause the riffs are mostly fucking killer. Then there's a long period of mediocrity, with a few great tunes tossed in here and there (Sins of Omission, The Legacy, Practice What You Preach), and then the awesomeness that was Low.

See em live, but don't buy all their albums.
Will Bozarth said:
actually, without Mustaine, there wouldn't have been a Metallica. he wrote the majority of KeA and Ride the Lightning, no? also, MoP was totally Cliff-inspired

but if he didn't get kicked out of Metallica he wouldn't have wanted to create a harder, faster, better Megadeth. kinda a endless circle there