At the Left Hand ov God cover - take 2!

Well you're of course entitled to your opinion, and tone is an entirely subjective thing, but I can't resist:

:D And I disagree with you, naturally - I'm loving this head/cab combo, and while I agree about the hi-end thing others have mentioned, a little tweaking will remedy that! And even if I did think it had too much bass, well, there's always a knob for that, and I'd much rather have a little extra bass than the stuffy wool of the Stiletto cab! Thanks for listening though dude, and it's probably just a taste factor!

In response to this...the track has no bass, and I'm judging on the guitar tone alone. Bass generally fills a lot of the low mid area, and I think it would be a bit difficult to find a balance in this frequency area between the guitars and the bass once you threw it in. People are commenting that they want more bass and low mids, but the bass guitar would provide a great deal in this frequency area and I think it would get a bit muddy....IMO, of course.
Fair enough - we'll postpone this until I finally get myself a bass! :( However, I don't think I'd have any trouble fitting it in there with a little subtractive eq!

EDIT: Oh yeah, and this is in drop Bb/A#, btw, which certainly adds to the chug!
Fair enough - we'll postpone this until I finally get myself a bass! :( However, I don't think I'd have any trouble fitting it in there with a little subtractive eq!

At that point it's more of a rate my "mix" thread...this is a rate my "tone" thread and that's what I was commenting on.

Edit: Haha, after listening to some other mixes and cd tracks on these cans , I think the tone actually sounds quite good! Disregard my previous posts. Lol.
Hey, sweet, thanks - I can live with that! :lol:

Man, my ears are seriously fucked right now...I had two gigs this week and my band is ridiculously loud. Your post was the first one I listened to when I threw my headphones on so my ears definitely weren't well adjusted yet. I think it's a great tone....good Recto grind.
Hey tastic, I agree with ya, i quite like the tone. Now I was wondering if you could help me out.

Borrowed a mates triple rec and mesa o/s quaddy, set it up, plugged in and ................... well, not overly impressed. I mean for $7,500 worth of gear, I expected a lot more. I must have MORON settings going on, cause the XXX and the 6505+ (to me) sound way better through the same cab.

I love the tone you have happening here, so I can only put it down to not having any experience with a recto until the other day. The only things I can see where the recto outshines the Peaveys is in the build quality,(god the recto is beautifully built), the quietness of the amp and the bottom end it produces. (I think I know why Devin townsend uses his recto and Stilletto together now) as the recto to me just doesnt have enough body and balls by itself.

Now when I throw a Maxon od 808 in front of it, it becomes much better, but still not on par with the XXX.

I recorded the 3 amps through the mesa cab individually, then recorded the 3 amps through the Randall warhead cab (v30s) individually and ended up going with 4 lots of peavey in the end. No Recto.

If you could share some settings, or any info on the recto in how to achieve something solid, that would be great mate, if not I will battle on, but I still havent had much success fiddling with the knobs.

P.S I have the recto on the 3rd channel, modern, with the gain at around midday, and if i krank it up past 1.30 - 2.00 ish it just turns to mud. Frustrating, especially after hearing your tone on here.:hotjump:
I love this tone, I'm a big fan of that low mid crunchiness that the recto has by the truckload.

I wouldn't change anything about the actual guitar tone.

Marcus finish the song off and I will do a mix and put vocals on it :D
This sounds fucking awesome so far dude.
When I say this is the best tone you've recorded so far, I fucking mean it, this sounds fucking huge!
Hey tastic, I agree with ya, i quite like the tone. Now I was wondering if you could help me out.

Borrowed a mates triple rec and mesa o/s quaddy, set it up, plugged in and ................... well, not overly impressed. I mean for $7,500 worth of gear, I expected a lot more. I must have MORON settings going on, cause the XXX and the 6505+ (to me) sound way better through the same cab.

I love the tone you have happening here, so I can only put it down to not having any experience with a recto until the other day. The only things I can see where the recto outshines the Peaveys is in the build quality,(god the recto is beautifully built), the quietness of the amp and the bottom end it produces. (I think I know why Devin townsend uses his recto and Stilletto together now) as the recto to me just doesnt have enough body and balls by itself.

Now when I throw a Maxon od 808 in front of it, it becomes much better, but still not on par with the XXX.

I recorded the 3 amps through the mesa cab individually, then recorded the 3 amps through the Randall warhead cab (v30s) individually and ended up going with 4 lots of peavey in the end. No Recto.

If you could share some settings, or any info on the recto in how to achieve something solid, that would be great mate, if not I will battle on, but I still havent had much success fiddling with the knobs.

P.S I have the recto on the 3rd channel, modern, with the gain at around midday, and if i krank it up past 1.30 - 2.00 ish it just turns to mud. Frustrating, especially after hearing your tone on here.:hotjump:

The Rectifier tone stack takes a while to get used to, and can be quite frustrating at first. You have to be REALLY careful with the bass and presence knobs. Try this:

3rd channel Modern with Silicon diode.
Bass: 10 o'clock
Mids: 10-11 o'clock
Treble: 12-1 o'clock
Presence: 9-10 o'clock
Gain: 1:30

On the Maxon:
Gain: 9 o'clock
Tone: 11 o'clock
Level: 12 o'clock

This should get you in the ballpark...make really small tweaks from here.
Yup, those look good Brett, though maybe even a bit less treble (I like mine ~11:30 on my 2 ch.) and a bit less presence (I've heard it's brutally aggressive on the red channel of the 3 ch. models), but those are definitely good ballpark settings, and good god, a Peavey having more body and balls than a Recto? Highly irregular! *Cue pompous old British person laugh* :lol:

And thanks a ton Max, Joe and Gareth! Gareth, that'd be fucking awesome to have you throw some vox down dude; I do believe another Sneap Forum collab. is in the works! :)
Thanks man, and damn is it ever - talk about HEAAAAAVVVVYYYY!!! God I can't wait for their new album, I've seriously never anticipated any CD as much as it! :headbang:
Thanks man, and damn is it ever - talk about HEAAAAAVVVVYYYY!!! God I can't wait for their new album, I've seriously never anticipated any CD as much as it! :headbang:

Dude, I have to agree and say I am anticipating on a similar level. Have you been watching the studio updates on youtube? It gets me so excited!

At the Left Hand Ov God is seriously one of my most absolutely favourite death metal songs of all time! I've always wanted to do a cover of it, but there are no guitar pro drum tracks I can scab and I won't be able to top your tone so I just do other things. :lol:
Yeah dude, the riffs they play in the background are sounding awesome as ever! And I actually programmed all these drums from scratch by ear, and I have to say I'm pretty damn proud of my Inferno-transcribing skills, to my ears they're just about spot-on! Thanks again for the compliment on the tone man! :)