Atheist Reissues

Which ones will you be purchasing?

  • Piece of Time

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • Unquestionable Presence

    Votes: 9 60.0%
  • Elements

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • All of the Above

    Votes: 5 33.3%

  • Total voters
Papa Josh said:
Puh-leease, Nocturnus were very good and ahead of their time with the keyboards, but they also had the WORST fucking drummer and horrendous vocals ever, courtesy of Mike Browning. Best thing Morbid Angel ever did was getting rid of his sorry ass.
The Key > *.morbidangel
IOfTheStorm said:
The Key > *.morbidangel

that is crazy ... The Key? that was considered krap even when it came out. I remember because I bought it probably on release day beacuase of the MA connection.

Nocturnus did not gain any respect until later ... and even then ... they SUUUUUCCKKKKKK!

PJ was dead on ... Mike Browning was a horrible drummer ...

As far as Cynic ... maybe they out masturbated Atheist in the complexity department ... but that does not a listenable album make ... their songs were forgetable at best.
haha, more arguing.

anywho, from what little i heard these dudes are a lot closer to death than cynic. death is obviously a death metal band, but cynic were a prog-rock band with some death metal influence. i don't care about straight tech-death, i have one death album (individual thought patterns) and that's waaaaaay more than enough. should i even bother with atheist then? i guess i answered my own question. :dopey:

i downloaded some nocturnas awhile back but never listened. i somehow doubt they are better than morbid angel, but hey if a comparison is being made then i'll definitely give that a listen tonight, finally.

ps: cynic fucking RULED.
J. said:
haha, yeah, how dare I have a difference of opinion!

seriously though, I've never heard Atheist, but have always ignored them due to the constant comparisons of overrated Cynic and "jazz" metal. THeory in Practice blew. Obscura is the best of that irrelevant genre I've heard.

Buy Unquestionable Presence...... The ONLY thing even that might take away from the greatness of this release are the vocals, But..... the music more than makes up for 'em.
Enough of the Bashing of Cynic or Athiest - They both were excellent in their own right. I seen them both in a club atmosphere in South Florida and they flat ripped. I was a little dissapointed with the Cynic CD release; versus the rawness of the vocals done by Paul on the demo's and live. I also thought that they (Cynic's Paul and Sean) brought Death to a new level of technical sound when they played on human; it was like listening to Cynic/Death mix.
Oh and I did see Noctunus back in the day on "The Key" Tour along with Godflesh and someone else - they were ahead of their time; but i'll agree they sucked!
I got the Piece of Time remaster/reissue in 1999 expecting to find the other 2 albums.
I need a copy again.

Atheist was a great band. Roger Pattersen ruled.

Cynic ruled too, although Focus is still a tad sterile.

Death was good. Gorguts is good. Theory in Practice was good.

Odd not seing reference to Pestilence in this thread.
I bought Elements years back, nothing really there to grab me. Flash forward to yesterday, I gave Piece of Time a couple rounds in the car and immediately broke in to violent iron upping spasms. In terms of a comparison to Cynic, PoT is better than Focus, on par with the demos. I'd recommend everyone give those a whirl if you want to hear bare bones Cynic technicality, sans the self splooge.
Piece of Time has the aggression all their other release sadly lack. might have to do with the production too.
I revisited Elements at the gym, it made me want to rip the heart of the emo to my right out of his chest and present it to Cytherea as a Valentine. The bonus tracks on the re-issue are fucking intense! This is metal to vacuum to! Going to pick up Unquestionable Presence, Piece of Time, and perhaps Jupiter to boot. Btw - I didn't know Zod played in this band?
Piece of Time has the aggression all their other release sadly lack. might have to do with the production too.

I still really love Unquestionable Presence, but Piece of Time is my most listened to album by Atheist. I need to check out Jupiter and see if manages to stand up to any of their original albums.

Honestly I think I never got into Elements because it was such a departure from the previous two. Just fell too deep into the progressive and lost all the aggression I loved from earlier Atheist.