Atheist's Unquestionable Presence


Active Member
Nov 24, 2005
A few weeks ago, I picked up this album. Let me tell you something, I fell in love with it, in just a matter of one listen. I've pretty much been listening to it nonstop since I picked it up. Each time it seems like it gets better. I'm not sure if it's the jazzy technical riffs, the atmosphere if creates, or the intelligent lyrics. Most of the songs were written around the bass, instead of the guitars, which is the opposite of the normal. Roger Patterson wrote some of the best bass lines in Death Metal, and in metal in general. After one of their tours, on the ride back to Florida, he fell out of the van, and died on the way to the hospital. A lot of Unquestionable Presence was written before he died. During this tragic time, they had to find another bass player. But who could fill Rogers shoes? They asked Rogers favorite bass players, but he declined. They then asked Tony Choy to play the bass lines. Anyways, after telling the story of Roger, and finding a bass player lets get onto the album!

This album is very technical, but not boring wankery. It's very catchy. These are some the best lyrics in Death metal I've ever heard. The vocals, well they aren't the typical death growl. They sound very thrashy. Did I mention the drums? Very technical drumming. The guitars, well the solos are very rockish, but that doesn't bother me. The riffs, are very technical, and like I said earlier, they were written around the bass.

Probably my favorite song is An Incarnations Dream. But pretty much every song is well written, almost perfect.

I consider this a must for any death metal fans, thrash fans, or just metal fans in general.
I guess, but in school we did a review unit in English and they said you should never mention yourself.
Well this isn't fucking English class, is it?
Seriously, though, if you've read online reviews before you'd notice 90% are fairly informal and mention themselves.