Has anyone been to the Atlanta Cupcake Factory? I'm a cupcake fiend and during some internet research I came across their business. I can't pass up the opportunity to try a new cupcake in a new place. Anyone have suggestions on flavors to try?
Damn. These designer cupcake places are popping up like Starbucks used to. Even my little shit town in TN has one.
If you live in a shit town, I would advise against trying the cupcakes served there.
...i like cupcakes too....
Oh, me too...although if I have more than one, the Weight Watchers police will find me and give me a well-deserved ass kicking.
Just an FYI, Google Maps shows Marta locations, pretty convenient when figuring out transit to various locations from the venue/hotels.http://www.mapquest.com/maps?city=A...3.771459&longitude=-84.352496&geocode=ADDRESS
There's a map of its location. I've never been to Atlanta before (it's my first progpower) so not sure if it is near a MARTA or not. I know it's only about two miles from my hotel (Georgian Terrace).
Just an FYI, Google Maps shows Marta locations, pretty convenient when figuring out transit to various locations from the venue/hotels.
Look for the white M on a blue background - the Arts Center stop is towards the top-left of the map