Paula Dean sucks. And trust me, it ain't about what they're cooking. have you seen some of Mario's stuff? Not exactly low fatSame for Emeril, who's not my favorite chef but is still great at what he does. And he fucking loves butter.
Anthony Bourdain did an awesome article on Celebrity Chefs that can be found here, and while I can't say i agree 100%, he's pretty damned dead on in his observations. Plus he's awesome overall. They should let him run the food network. i can guarantee it would be a thousand times better.
...lek is the gourmet cook in our house....nothing is simple with box foods are, on the other hand, do the simple stuff-chicken pot pie, tacos, enchiladas....i am the baker of the family...specialty chocolate chocolate chip cookies...yummy
my own *secret* BBQ sauce
Aha! Thank you for reminding me about that. I have a recipe that might work for that if I make a few substitutions and tweaks. I'll keep ya posted.Now that is a mighty find idea! Creamsicle Cheesecake Alicia! Remember my great quest for that last summer?
What do you guys think of that Giada de Laurentis chick? We call her The Porn Chef. The camera never shows what she's cooking and it always has these weird shots of her. It also annoys us that she has no accent until she says the name of some Italian food.
I think you should definitely bring a batch of cookies to PP for snacking!
This stuff is AWESOME. Personally, I like the taste the cumin lends to the sauce instead of the liquid smoke. Also, it was recommended to use cane sugar syrup which I instead used molases. Also, I used Cayenne pepper because the sauce without it needed the extra heat. The Rootbeer gives it a really rich color and underlying sweetness that is very... weird for BBQ sauce, but is still great.