Cooking and spices!

Paula Dean sucks. And trust me, it ain't about what they're cooking. have you seen some of Mario's stuff? Not exactly low fat :lol: Same for Emeril, who's not my favorite chef but is still great at what he does. And he fucking loves butter.

Anthony Bourdain did an awesome article on Celebrity Chefs that can be found here, and while I can't say i agree 100%, he's pretty damned dead on in his observations. Plus he's awesome overall. They should let him run the food network. i can guarantee it would be a thousand times better.

Food Network has become what it is today BECAUSE of personalities like Rachel Ray and Paula Dean. Perhaps you don't like their cooking or their personalities, but the fact remains that they both sell. Any why do they sell? Because the vast majority of folks don't enjoy the luxuries of endless free time and bottomless pocketbooks to purchase, prep, and cook specialty items to make gourmet meals on a daily basis. Therefore, Ray and Dean resonate with the masses. Additionally, they bring in a wider viewing audience that may not otherwise even watch Batali or Emeril.

That said, I don't like anything Rachel Ray does in the kitchen. But, I also don't think it's fair to group Paula Dean in with her. If you watch Paula enough to know her back-story you will see where her cooking comes from and understand that her style of cooking is much more realistic than the cuisine prepared by say, Mario Batali.

The point is, they all have their place.
The only reason i group Dean and Ray together is because i don't like them. Dean has talent, but like you said, it's more of an "everyman" show which I don't particularly enjoy watching. It's about aspiration and inspiration, and for myself Paula does neither.

I won't disagree that they all have their place, but I would rather watch a master of their craft do what they do best, get inspiration to create my own dishes and aspire to their level. I'm no master chef and I never will be, but it gives a goal to reach for. It's just the general apathy of Ray or the relatively unsensational meals of Dean (Which don't get me wrong, I'd eat most everything she makes. but I've had those homemade meals before from my mom). I'd say it's about making something new, or having a new take on something. I don't want something that i can make by opening a bag of shredded cheese and throwing it on some ready made pizza crust drizzled with EVOO... i can read about that shit on the back of the pizza crust package :lol:
...lek is the gourmet cook in our house....nothing is simple with box foods are, on the other hand, do the simple stuff-chicken pot pie, tacos, enchiladas....i am the baker of the family...specialty chocolate chocolate chip cookies...yummy
Oooh, is this where we get to shamelessly pimp our recipes as thought they were so many cheap whores?

I make a Bourbon steak that will melt your brain with its tasty goodness. :kickass:
I slow-broil the best ribeyes I can find after stabbing, injecting and marinading them overnight with molasses, bean sauce strained from the can, my own *secret* BBQ sauce, a full shot of 9-yr aged Kentucky Bourbon, and a dash of that fucker off with my signature drunken portobellos (sautee with cabernet and shallots) and enjoy.
Sooooo good.
I have other recipes too, but that's all you people get for now.
my own *secret* BBQ sauce

What good is posting a recipe, if you're not gonna give us all of it?

Or are you saying that the bourbon and tobasco are your *secret* BBQ sauce?

What do you guys think of that Giada de Laurentis chick? We call her The Porn Chef. The camera never shows what she's cooking and it always has these weird shots of her. It also annoys us that she has no accent until she says the name of some Italian food.

Anybody watch "Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares" on BBC America?
Now that is a mighty find idea! Creamsicle Cheesecake Alicia! Remember my great quest for that last summer?
Aha! Thank you for reminding me about that. I have a recipe that might work for that if I make a few substitutions and tweaks. I'll keep ya posted.

I have apparently inherited my mother's knack for making desserts...that's what I do best. But like a few others here, I totally love my crock pot. Great for chili (I make regular and white), corned beef, red beans & rice, etc. Sadly, living alone makes me lazy when it comes to cooking - I can't seem to make just a little bit of anything. And while it's nice to have leftovers for lunch the next day, eating the same thing all week just doesn't appeal to me. ;)
What do you guys think of that Giada de Laurentis chick? We call her The Porn Chef. The camera never shows what she's cooking and it always has these weird shots of her. It also annoys us that she has no accent until she says the name of some Italian food.'s all about Nigella
About the only thing special and unique I do is for Thanksgiving when cooking a Turkey. I don't have exact measurements, so just adjust to whatever size your turkey is.

get a whole box of bacon your preference, and chop it up or jullian it or whatever and fry it until it just starts to get crisp and rendered down.
Chop up a bunch of Parsley
add and I quote a "fuckton" of freshly crushed garlic
Combine all of the above in a mixing bowl with softened cream cheese.

On the turkey you want to make sure you can get under the skin over the breast, this may require carefully sliding a knife under the skin to make sure it comes of the breast and makes a sort of pocket. Do this on both sides, may want to put your hand in there to stretch it out. Take the knife and cut vertical slits in the breast meat on both sides. Take the mixture and stuff it under the skin and try to get it inside the slits but you don't have to try to hard, it gets in on it's own during cooking.

Stuff and cook the Turkey like you normally would.

What does it do? I don't know but it tastes damn good, and my wife begs me to make a turkey every year this way. I have been cooking Thanksgiving turkey like this for a long long time now. I don't know if this process keeps the breast meat Juicy or if it's just my fuckups defrosting the Turkey cause it's almost always still half frozen when I start messing with it /shrug.

Oh one last thing I guess, the secret of all secrets if you make sushi at home. From Spicy Tuna to California Rolls, you need to use "Cupie" Mayo sold exclusively in Japanese/Asian supermarkets. It really is totally different from Local western Mayonaise and it's that missing ingredient if you've ever tried making sushi at home and it never tastes 100% like at the resturaunt.

For a Spicy Tuna roll you mix this mayo with any asian Garlic-Chili Sauce and chopped up sushi grade Tuna. For California Rolls you add a strip of mayo next to the avacado, cucumber and Crab Meat.

It's still cheaper to go out and eat sushi then make it at home when everything is said and done. Unless you are prepared to eat all of it right away it doesn't really keep to well and you spend more on the specific ingrediants then you would ordering at a sushi bar.

Right now my #1 recipe is Trader Joe's. They have lots of great tasting and healthy more importently frozen or ready to eat meals. The Pot Roast in the meat section is killer. 3-4 Minutes in the microwave and it's heaven.
Well, in the spirit of someone (kaosaur?) mentioning sauces, I decided I needed to try a BBQ Sauce today to cook dinner with: here's the recipe...

• 1 cup root beer
• 1 cup ketchup
• 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice (juice of one lemon)
• 1/4 cup orange juice
• 3 Tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
• 1-1/2 Tablespoons dark brown sugar, packed
• 2 Tablespoons Molasses
• 1 Tablespoon Honey
• ½ Teaspoon Cumin (liquid smoke substitute)
• ½ Teaspoon Cayanne Pepper
• 1 teaspoon liquid smoke* else use Cumin
• 1/2 teaspoon lemon peel, grated
• 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
• 1/2 teaspoon granulated garlic
• 1/2 teaspoon onion powder
Salt and Pepper lightly to taste
Combine all ingredients into medium Sauce Pan, bring to boil over medium/high heat stirring occasionally. Simmer over medium/low heat for 20-25 minutes, stirring occasionally to reduce sauce. Keeps for 2 weeks.

This stuff is AWESOME. Personally, I like the taste the cumin lends to the sauce instead of the liquid smoke. Also, it was recommended to use cane sugar syrup which I instead used molases. Also, I used Cayenne pepper because the sauce without it needed the extra heat. The Rootbeer gives it a really rich color and underlying sweetness that is very... weird for BBQ sauce, but is still great. Honey really thickened it up, but I would have liked to find something else to thicken it up without the extra sweetness.
This stuff is AWESOME. Personally, I like the taste the cumin lends to the sauce instead of the liquid smoke. Also, it was recommended to use cane sugar syrup which I instead used molases. Also, I used Cayenne pepper because the sauce without it needed the extra heat. The Rootbeer gives it a really rich color and underlying sweetness that is very... weird for BBQ sauce, but is still great.

Homemade BBQ sauce is the best, and once you establish a base that you like you can experiment with tons of variations.

Also, about the Root Beer, I marinated some ribs in Root Beer for a few days and they were amazing.
My secret for brisket is to use some cherry coke, the coke itself makes it so freakin tender and the cherry flavor in it gives a sweet taste that can't be beat(I also get a whole garlic clove and shove huge pieces of garlic all throughout the brisket because the garlic cooks into the meat and the garlic chunks themselves taste amazing). For my pork ribs, I just use freshly pressed garlic, salt, pepper, a little oil and bbq sauce, and cook them slow in the oven.