Anyone noticed there are no atomic soul lyrics on the net?? Does the album actually come with lyrics cos if it doesnt then I guess it may be a little hard finding them. Of course if u have lyrics then they would be greatly appreciated

Eternal Dragon said:Anyone noticed there are no atomic soul lyrics on the net?? Does the album actually come with lyrics cos if it doesnt then I guess it may be a little hard finding them. Of course if u have lyrics then they would be greatly appreciated.
wchuck said:oh..not again...
Eternal Dragon said:oh riiiight ok, sry. Nope, typed in russel allen lyrics in google and there wasnt any forum things except something in darklyrics which never had a response, and nothing in ultimate metal about it either.
Is there 1 song that u could say is the best, cos then I'll dl that and if I like it then I'll buy the album, and if not I'll just leave it at that.
Eternal Dragon said:oh riiiight ok, sry. Nope, typed in russel allen lyrics in google and there wasnt any forum things except something in darklyrics which never had a response, and nothing in ultimate metal about it either.
Is there 1 song that u could say is the best, cos then I'll dl that and if I like it then I'll buy the album, and if not I'll just leave it at that.
Jax said:What you need to read are the forum rules..such as:
**Also out of respect for the band, no threads involving downloading mp3s (rather than buying the cd), pre-release downloads, or unauthorized video will be allowed (for the record, any video footage authorized by the band is on the website..any other video is unauthorized & thereby a taboo subject here). Those requesting and/or attempting to provide such material will be given a one week ban from Ultimate Metal; continued infractions will result in a permanent ban from the entire site.