Att: Maiden_NZ

Episode 666

Dec 3, 2001
In your sig, you have one of the most beauteful pictures i've ever seen. Is it a larger picture, or even better, could you do one in 1280:1024? ooooohhhh with the same quote.... brrrr.. .:)

Or just tell me where you got it :)

Im glad you like it :)

A friend made it for me (becoz i have no skill at things like that at all) , i gave him the Opeth logo to use and the quote , so he did the rest , so i have no idea what he did :tickled:

It was only made in this size im sorry :erk:
first one is also very cool :)

hey can't you tell your friend to make more of those?
maybe one with Credence theme, and a demon of the fall one, maybe a to bid you farewell one..
it would be cool

and maybe some bigger ones
