A New Wallpaper: The Amen Corner (MAYH)


Oct 29, 2003
Bondi Australia
Hi all

Over the past few months I've been dabbling around in Photoshop to create some simple, but nice Opeth wallpapers. I have several of them now, but this one, for The Amen Corner, is my favourite of late, so I thought I would share it with you all.


1280 x 1024 in size, with image taken from the inner sleeve of Morningrise, I thought the image went well with the feel of My Arms Your Hearse.

That's definately my new wallpaper, MightyA. Nice work! It's a piece of art, I can see some of your thoughts when you made it, but not all. I can work on that one forever, discovering new details each time. You are a genius.
Thanatopsis123 said:
I'm I the only one refusing to get it because it's in a zip file? I hate getting small files from zips. Plus, I never trust them for some reason.

Yup. Why not just link to the jpg? So much easier.
Darkness Eternal said:
Yup. Why not just link to the jpg? So much easier.
No major reason really... I just zipped it up I suppose... some people complain if its not, some people complain if it is... cant please everyone I suppose:-/

Thanks for your comments.

Might have one for The Moor coming soon as well, similar in style