New Wallpaper - The Moor


Oct 29, 2003
Bondi Australia
Hi again all,

This time I've done a new wallpaper for my favourite song of them all, The Moor!

I hope I've done the story and overall feel of the song justice. It's in the same kind of style as what I did for The Amen Corner, but warmer.

I'm "super-happy with the result", hope you guys are too.

The Moor

And for those who missed out,

The Amen Corner:

SculptedCold said:
It's nice and all but uhhh, why is there a lake instead of a moor????

Did I miss something here??

Mightn't more suitable??
Its a moor alright.. I searched for some decent photos for ages, took a while

"Moor: A broad area of open land, often high but poorly drained, with patches of heath and peat bogs."
jaykeegan said:
That is quite well done, Good Job.

I would like to see a ''Forest Of October'' or maybe even an ''In Mist She Was Standing'' wallpaper in the future.
I'll look into that... I don't know about you people, but I find which album I'm listening to depends on my mood.

Eg, if Im feeling alive/aggressive but dark, I'll hammer out MAYH, or if I'm feeling a little more technical, it's SL... or more brutal it'll be Deliverance (esp the track itself)...

So I guess, the song I choose to do next will depend on all of that:-)

I'm getting a digital camera in the coming months, so I'm really looking forward to getting some nice photos of landscapes, swamps quiet roads etc... All that kind of stuff which will make for good wallpaper materials...

So keep your eyes peeled... I love making these things and I will definately have some more on the way...

Cheers for your support:-)