Attention 2013 Gold Badge Holders


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
Multiple emails have been sent out to the private mailing list regarding PP USA XV Gold Badge payment information. The first was sent on September 9th and the latest was on Sept 22nd.

Each email has averaged only a 75-80% open rate with no bounces. If you have not seen the emails, please check your spam/blocked/deleted folder prior to contacting me for the information you are missing.

Gold Badges are sold-out for 2014.

Between declining new sponsorship offers, increased demand for Gold Badges (and none available), and the increased traffic on social media since the announcement....we are trending in the right direction for first week sales on October 1st.
This is some great piece of news. I hope it sells out quick and you can start planning for 2015!! :rock:
Between declining new sponsorship offers, increased demand for Gold Badges (and none available), and the increased traffic on social media since the announcement....we are trending in the right direction for first week sales on October 1st.

Oh man. I'll have to dust off my credit card get the tickets Day 1, looks like.
Each email has averaged only a 75-80% open rate with no bounces.

Wow, a 20 - 25% unopen rate is pretty surprising, for what I would have thought people would consider an important email (I certainly do!). Does that take into account people who may have their email settings locked down in ways that prevent the mailing service from knowing if they opened it?
Great news! Got my Gold Badges already paid for and our hotel booked for next year. Now all we need is our plane tickets and we're golden!

BTW at the Kamelot show this past Sunday in AZ I talked to three separate guys who are all freaking out about this years festival. The kicker is that they will all be first time attendees, and will be bringing their significant others/guests with them! All three plan on purchasing tickets on October 1st! I gave them the low down on the fest and what to expect as best I could. I predict great ticket sales come 10/1.