Attention Maidens!!!!


nursing my wounds
Apr 15, 2002
The Ridge
All hails the Iron Maidens!

I tried to email the lot of you the other day, but all your emails bounced back to me as "undeliverable." At any rate, the gist of the email was requesting that either myself or my partner Ali (UM Name = JayKeeley) or preferably both of us, be able to interview you ladies at the Tribeca show next Wednesday night in New York City.

As you might be able to tell from my sig file, we run a fairly high-quality (if I don't say so myself) webzine titled Royal Carnage and are getting ready to launch a HUGE feature on Iron Maiden before their North American tour. We figured that an interview with the world's only all-female Maiden tribute band would be icing on the cake! So...what do you think? Please feel free to email me through this'll make it to my Royal Carnage email addy. Thanks, and up the irons!
Well, I wish I could get in touch...I've sent an email to booking@, but to no avail. Just bought my two tickets for tomorrow night, so we'll give it a go anyway! At the very least, we'll do a short write-up of the show and include the Maidens in our big Iron Maiden feature anyway! Cheers, and up the irons!
In case no one saw my post in the other thread, all went well! Got our interview with Bruce Chickinson (delightly lady) AND we're doing a live write-up as well.

Can I spam here when it's ready? :D