Attention Travis


I Depend On Darkness
Dec 30, 2002
Northern Ireland
Hi Ya

I was wandering if I could have your opinion and advice on how i could make these better. This is my current artwork which i tried experimenting with. As your a great inspiration I would love your opinion or advice on how i could make them better. I am not that fussed on the bottom one but i think the top one could be improved and make well.......Any advice or opinion?

Also ColdDarkNord I would love your opinion too cause again your artwork is excellent too
cheers! I know its basic but i really prefer it as in the atmosphere of it and the mood that it creates, as in even the shirlved flower flowing across it adds to the mood, but yeh i get ya,lol

I aint that fussed on the red one though.....
In my opinion they're both very good. If you put Pasi in place of the person in the one on top, I'm sure it would be included with the next amorphis album. :)

As far as how you can improve them, I won't say anything because you didn't ask (and I wouldn't have anything to suggest). Come to think of it, you didn't ask my opinion at all.

What in the world could that be?!?!

:: runs off and hides under a desk ::