ATTN: Atlanta Area Drummers (and Megadeth/Eidolon fans)

Cool. I like watching the left hand lead guys. Carter Beauford is a left hand lead guy....not metal, I know but a impressive drummer nonetheless. I have been trying to work some left hand lead into my playing but my muscles are nowhere near developed enough to keep up. Practice makes perfect....or as close as you can get!

Proud drummer for V.O.R.

nice use of the circus maximus font :)

so anyone else going or will it just be Shawn and me?

If it were the CM font, the S would be backwards :)

Not sure yet if I'll make it out; I would like to see it, though. If I don't make it out there, tell Shawn he needs to come hang with us at ProgPower :kickass:

(hell, tell everyone else who shows up that they need to come hang with us at ProgPower :headbang: )