Megadeth, Slayer, Machine Head, Suicidal tour

as are the "machine fucking head" fans. Cos saying fucking in the middle of a band name makes you harder... always, just remember that.

No one does it in order to appear 'harder', it's just a chant, fuck sake. Machine Head are always a better band than Slayer in my opinion, and their fans, as 'hard' as they want, will be a million times nicer haha, I can't stand cunts like that who take offence to a name or a chant for a band, fuck sake. Cause there arent pricks who turn up at gigs and shout 'SLAYERRRR' or 'METALLICA' are there? oh lord, don't let that happen, ev0rz.

Rant ober.
But yeah, I don't think Suicide Silence deserve a place on that bill, just my opinion on the matter.
I don't mind Machine Head at all, anyone who knows me understands that. In fact I absolutely adore MH (bar The Burning Red and Supercharger, which have aout two or three good songs each) but they're a band that dvides opinion and they could evenbe classed as a guilty pleasure to some extent.

Though I'll never deny the badassness their their first two records,Vio-lence is better than MH.
Cause there arent pricks who turn up at gigs and shout 'SLAYERRRR'

Now thisis my biggest annoyance over the Machine Head chants. Chanting Machine Head is good enough. To add fucking in the middle just sounds silly.

Each to their own i guess, but i hate everything... especially Kreator. (Well im digging myself enough in as it is so why not continue.)
I remember buying a machine head cd once, payed a lot for it and ended up not liking it so its like a black stain in my record collection. Thats all I know about machine head, ive heard some of their stuff from our drummer but..... meh.

Meh-chine Head
Another word could do better like Machine Lovely Head.

Ive got a mega big thing against big Machine Head fans. I lost all of my mates like 2 years ago because of Machine Head. Im not gonna whine about that now, but a few probably know all of it. A lot of the fans are arrogent, very arrogent. And i dont like metalcore, so it is also not my thing.

Another thing i dont like is how arrogent Rob Flynn is also. Ive seen DVDs and interviews, and he just seems like a very cold person, somebody i would never like to meet. I remember i got made to watch the RRUnited dvd aswell (RRUnited is the worst album ive ever heard) and he seems like such a prick in it. Both times i have seen Machine Head live, i have been disgusted. At the Black Crusade (where a Machine Head fan ended up hitting me) i couldnt take the boring music and the constant "circle pit, show me what you're made of" from stage. I was only there for somebodies birthday, but i was so appauled by Machine Head i went and go an earlier train home, i couldnt last it.

The next time was opening for Metallica. And Rob was no different, and this time he was opening. He was spitting water all over the the crowd, who werent even into the music at all. And then he did it to us lot. And some people around were there with their kids for fucks sake. People were appauled by him, he is just vile. The constant "fucking this and that" on stage are also way too far. I never liked their music as it was, and their attitude and crowd appaul me even more.

The fighting thing... a dude i know went to me "do you even like Machine Head" and alls i said was "not my type of thing" and i got shoved, so i turned around and went "what the hell man?" and i got punched, so i beat the shit out of the dude, as he threw the first... two hits. And all the fans with him were completely on his side for it. This guy used to be one of my best mates, and for this he was made out to be the victem and i was left with no mates at all after this. All because of some arrogent cunt who thought this shit band were the be all and end all. I said i wouldnt go on about it, But i cannot express my true hate for Machine Head.

Now im not a dick head in the slightest, you can ask our lovely Dave here. This inncodent was just fucking shocking. And most Machine Head fans ive come across were as arrogent as this shite bag who hit me and it just appauls me. (Thankfully Dave is one of the nicest guys i have ever met though).

So those are my reasons.
Another word could do better like Machine Lovely Head.

Ive got a mega big thing against big Machine Head fans. I lost all of my mates like 2 years ago because of Machine Head. Im not gonna whine about that now, but a few probably know all of it. A lot of the fans are arrogent, very arrogent. And i dont like metalcore, so it is also not my thing.

Another thing i dont like is how arrogent Rob Flynn is also. Ive seen DVDs and interviews, and he just seems like a very cold person, somebody i would never like to meet. I remember i got made to watch the RRUnited dvd aswell (RRUnited is the worst album ive ever heard) and he seems like such a prick in it. Both times i have seen Machine Head live, i have been disgusted. At the Black Crusade (where a Machine Head fan ended up hitting me) i couldnt take the boring music and the constant "circle pit, show me what you're made of" from stage. I was only there for somebodies birthday, but i was so appauled by Machine Head i went and go an earlier train home, i couldnt last it.

The next time was opening for Metallica. And Rob was no different, and this time he was opening. He was spitting water all over the the crowd, who werent even into the music at all. And then he did it to us lot. And some people around were there with their kids for fucks sake. People were appauled by him, he is just vile. The constant "fucking this and that" on stage are also way too far. I never liked their music as it was, and their attitude and crowd appaul me even more.

The fighting thing... a dude i know went to me "do you even like Machine Head" and alls i said was "not my type of thing" and i got shoved, so i turned around and went "what the hell man?" and i got punched, so i beat the shit out of the dude, as he threw the first... two hits. And all the fans with him were completely on his side for it. This guy used to be one of my best mates, and for this he was made out to be the victem and i was left with no mates at all after this. All because of some arrogent cunt who thought this shit band were the be all and end all. I said i wouldnt go on about it, But i cannot express my true hate for Machine Head.

Now im not a dick head in the slightest, you can ask our lovely Dave here. This inncodent was just fucking shocking. And most Machine Head fans ive come across were as arrogent as this shite bag who hit me and it just appauls me. (Thankfully Dave is one of the nicest guys i have ever met though).

So those are my reasons.

What bands don't spit water everywhere? I've seen bands fucking spit on the crowd, so water isn't that bad. James Hetfield was throwing bottles of water out into the crowd, so that was spilling onto people, yet I don't hear you complain. Most bands swear on stage, yeah wow, people don't like swearing, don't listen to their onstage banter then, or get over it. Right the circle pit situation, he asks for pits to get a good crowd interaction, so sorry that a frontman wants a crowd to enjoy themselves? if you don't like them, don't watch them. I met all the guys and to be honest, Robb was the nicest fucking guy out of the 4 of them, they were all lovely, but he was so genuine and really just a nice guy, hanging out with us backstage and talking about my friend (who regularly spoke to the band and sadly passed away before the gig) and he was saying how truely sorry he was that we lost our friend and how he liked hanging with him. He knew his full name, he actually cares about one of his thousands of fans. He makes an effort with his fans, every fucking time, he won't turn down a photo or an autograph or anything.

Machine Head AREN'T metalcore, let's just point that out.

I actually found Iron Maiden fans to be terrible at the Glasgow show, I got punched in the back of the head until I fell simply because I'm a girl and I'm "not allowed in the pit" apparently, the guy got knocked the fuck over and he didn't come near me again, but they were constantly punching me and saying shit because of the fact I liked Trivium, fuck it. Machine Head fans are some of the nicest people I've met, I've never met a hostile one, I have been in the pits the 4 times I've seen them and any fights I've had have been with a Slayer fan at Slipknot, a Metallica fan when they supported Metallica and then a fucking Nazi cunt at their Glasgow gig. In the pits, you fall, you get instantly picked up, unlike the Metallica pits or Slayer pits or even Opeth pits where I found myself being trampled.

As for the fad thing, they disappeared after Supercharger, came back with Through The Ashes and then eventually The Blackening, they are a strong band with a huge support, they pull off live shows well so they won't just disappear, sorry to disappoint you there.

So basically, Machine Head aren't going to disappear anytime soon, you don't like them live? don't watch them, don't go near the pit if you don't want hurt, don't go near the front if you don't want water spilled on you. Yeah, that's about it.
Hewy i dont mind pits in the slightest. What i was getting at was the fact he asks for them constantly. People just do it if they wanna. Like the biggest pit ive ever been in was at Cannibal Corpse and it was just spontanious, and that is the best way.

And what? The new Machineb Head albums arent metalcore? Alright then......

This is a band i seriously hate for my own reasons.

As for the Maiden stuff, im suprised there was actually a pit, because Maiden are one of those bands you just wanna watch. And Rob Flynn spat water out... when they were opening. If i wanna stand at the front and enjoy a gig, i do, almost every single time. But Machine Head played a nice part in me losing all my mates last year, so obviously, i wouldnt be a fan anyway.
At the Glasgow shows Machine Head don't ask for pits, because we just have them, only time he asked was at Metallica because the Metallica only fans weren't up for it but the Machine Head fans got one going eventually.
I aint being an old fart about it, but ive seen over 100 bands now, and if i wanna do something there fine, if not i wont. There shouldnt be a "dont wanna be in a pit, dont go near the front" thing because people are there for the music. If people wanna pit they should at least have the manners to not knock everybodies drinks over and piss people off. The type of people at a Metallica, Iron Maiden or those types of gigs, theyd rather watch the bands and sing along. It isnt full on music that you throw yourself about too.
Groove metal innit


However, I do entirely agree on MH fans being dicks at shows. I told one kid in Glasgow that Vio-lence were infinitely better than Machine Head, and that the self-titled Torque record shat on everything following The More Things Change. This kid had only heard OF Vio-lence and never knew what Torque was, so he took it as an insult and tried to start a fight with me during the show. On the balcony. So I smacked him up like the bitch he was.

Spoke to Phil Demmel about it after the show and he was actually really nice about it, and he agreed that a lot of MH fans can be too extreme, much in the same vein as Slayer fans.

However, MH are some of the nicest people I'v met. I wholeheartedly agree on Robb's stage presence/interviewisms because he is a bit of an asshole (and I get pissed off with him constantly talking to the crowd!) but he was cool when I met him. Then again, that might've been because I told him that he'll never better Eternal Nightmare.....

I have a big fat MH logo emlazoned on my arm for a reason, and thats quite simply because I have fucking epic memories of listening to Burn My Eyes and The More Things Change. People call 'em shit, and yeha they haven't been amazing in the last decade but its a memory of better time you know what I mean? Average band, stupid fans. I'm pretty much with Dan on this one, except the fact that I like SOME of MHs material.

(and for the record, I always thought the whole MACHINEFUCKINGHEAD thing was lame)