ATTN: Blackmetal fans and those with a sense of humor...

Oh shit! There actually are Wesley Willis fans on UM! I was very sad to hear about his death. He is a musical genius and can never be replaced. Rock over London, Rock on Chicago. :cry:
The creators of this site have discovered the most elite and tr00 black metal song title ever created. Bow in front of the ultimate silliness of Bal Sagoth, and don’t even dream about reaching the same level!

The Dark Liege Of Chaos Is Unleashed At The Shrine Of A'Zura-Kai (The Splendour Of A Thousand Swords Gleaming Beneath The Blazon Of The Hyperborean Empire Part II)

:lol::lol::lol: holy shit is that great!
That is a very funny site.

I dont know if I have ever come across a hardcore black metal fan. Being an American, its not as if gangs of skiny young kids named attila and burzum, are hanging out on the streets.
You must wear at least 30 pounds of leather and chains and rivets AT ALL TIMES. You must also wear T-shirts of completely unknown bands, or bands that you yourself have made up. If more than fifteen people know of the existence of a band on your T-shirt (that includes band members themselves), then the band is no longer elite. The best thing is if you own no albums of the band on your T-shirt. It is even better if you had never even heard of them before purchasing the shirt.

oh my god, that has to be one of the funniest things ever, i swear now that ive viewed this site im gonna be troo kvlt elite black methaler
Production Try to get the worst production possible. The rule in black metal circles is that a proper black metal recording must have horrible quality. The recommended recording device is an ANSWERING MACHINE

Charubic Murder said:
Meh, that wasn't really all that clever, as most of it was in the 102 rules of black metal.

I'm afraid the 102 rules of blackmetal had to come from that site, I found that site a long ass time ago before I saw that rules list, but I lost it a long time ago when I reformatted my PC. I'm not positive though.


Impaled Northern Moon Forest hahha
They kick ass. :lol:

song title: Gazing at the Blasphemous Moon While Perched a Top of a Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Forsaken Crest of the Northern Mountain