Attn: Comic Book Geeks

dorian gray

Returning videotapes
Apr 8, 2004
i dont own a single comic book and the only one i collected as a child was GI JOE. now that i got your attention though, have any of you ever heard of a comic from the early 90s called "Reid Fleming: worlds strongest milkman"? i think it was canadian. i loved it. best. comic. ever. none of that dungeons and dragons shit either.
man it's late.
gugs, you make a strong case for sin city. and although i haven't yet read 100 bullets, a friend loaned me a whole shitload of them just recently, so soon. SOON!!!
god damn nad said:
gugs, you make a strong case for sin city. and although i haven't yet read 100 bullets, a friend loaned me a whole shitload of them just recently, so soon. SOON!!!

There's just so much TO the 100 Bullets series. I guaran-damn-tee you love it.
markgugs said:
Was that the comic that had no words at all? It was a one-on-one "hunting" story told entirely through the art panels, wasn't it?

I can't remember. I just remember that part of it was their training in a dojo. The evil ninja (Shadow or something like that) had to sit with a candle on his head and Snake Eyes had to chop it in half without the other dude catching the blade of his katana. You see him catch Snake Eye's katana and everyone thinks Snake Eye's failed but then the candle slowly falls apart because he only caught the blade ON THE WAY BACK UP!!! :headbang:
lol, yeah, that was the Snake Eyes vs. Stormshadow issue, I remember it fairly well. There was little-to-no dialogue at all, and at the time, it was a pretty remarkable issue. If I'm as much of a geek as I think, I'd wager it was issue #21, too. :cool:
yeah, that was a pretty early issue.
at one point, i had a first printing of issue 2, and thought i was GOD.