Attn: Drummers


Skirt Wizard
Jul 31, 2002
Boston nee San Diego
I'm thinking about buying a new kit. I know the basic setup I need:
toms: 10x8, 12x9, 14x11, 16x16 (I prefer the shorter depths, I think)
bd: 22x16 (or 18)
sd: don't really need it

I think I want to go with birch shells, cause I prefer sort of a "rounder" sound rather than tons of attack. They still need to cut, though, cause the band plays loud. Am I wrong about the make? Would maple have more of the low end I'm looking for?

I would much prefer natural laquer finish to wrapped drums.

Anybody have any opinions on make? I'm seriously looking at a set of Tama Starclassic Performers (birch). Also in the running are Pearl Session SRX (maple), Pacific FS(birch), and Pacific LX(maple).

The Pacifics seem like they'd be cool, cause they're made by DW and are not too spendy. I think DWs and probably Yamahas (which I've played and are pretty great) are probably out of my price range ($1500-2000).

Any thoughts?
the Pacific stuff I've seen is all very good for the price, but I haven't really messed with any of the other stuff. I think worrying about stuff like volume is kinda silly since that doesn't matter in the studio and the rest of the dudes should turn down to suit the drums IMO. I have mic'd the kick occasion for practice, but that was mostly because my band had weird amps that reqired cranking and my kick was kinda on the quiet side. in a live situation you are almost always going to be amplified too, so again - it shouldn't matter.

also remember that the heads you use can make a huge difference on the tone. coated ambassadors will definitely give you a rounder tone, but won't cut as much or sound 'big'. I generally think they sound more tuneful and melodic overall tho.

but then again, I don't really play metal either. I like older drums a lot, too. they tend to have more personality I think.
Yeah I wasn't worried about volume as much as EQ for the "cut" factor. I like big fat tom sounds, but I don't want them to get buried by the bass guitar, blah blah blah.

I moved from Pinstripes to ambassadors a couple years ago - a world of difference. I was worried about durability, but they last longer than you're supposed to keep heads on anyways, so...

I posted about this on BCo and got a reply from black cat drums - custom place, seemed pretty cool, but I assume their kits will go flying right out of my price range....
I think any worries about getting buried have more to do with recording and maybe tuning than anything else. you just gotta think of the frequency spectrum and how much of what from each instrument will go where.

for the record, I've got a Taye kit I'm pretty happy with. It was very affordable for the quality, but I dunno how widely they distribute. the dude who makes them used to make Ayotte kits which were like top-end DW comparable kinda things, cept a little better in some small ways. everything I've seen from Taye has sounded pretty great and they seem reasonable about doing custom stuff, putting together whatever sizes you want.