ATTN: Fans of Empyrium - Waldpoesie and other mournful violin music.

Oh aye! Song is called Sisters! Brothers! Small Boats of Fire are Falling from the Sky!

I know if I just put "check out this Silver Mt. Zion song" nobody would pay attention, but the Waldpoesie connection could snag a few. Since they sound similar and stuff.
Oh my fucking goat that part is like 12 seconds!!!

EDIT: Okay like a minute. But what's so wrong with it? Bah who cares, some of you lot hate any and all synth unless it's NoKKKturnal MortEm of course.
One Inch Man said:
Oh my fucking goat that part is like 12 seconds!!!

EDIT: Okay like a minute. But what's so wrong with it? Bah who cares, some of you lot hate any and all synth unless it's NoKKKturnal MortEm of course.

Hehe the problem for me was that it was too modern sounding :p

But after listening to it once more, I have to say it sounded a lot better (not the drums though :P), I'll listen to it more tomorrow
One Inch Man said:

Oh yeah, Russell should pop in and tell me which other album to get since I forgot, I only have Born into Trouble. :p

The only other one I have is Horses In The Sky, which is a completely different beast because of the emphasis on massive vocal arrangements...I've grown to tolerate Efrim's voice, but the harmonies (or lack thereof) can be downright painful...I'll probably never listen to the fifth track more than once. The music on the album is great for the most part though.
Why is it that uploading tracks to yousendit is so much easier than downloading? I think it probably takes at least 7 or 8 attempts to download anything before it works.

NAD - get this shitz on an FTP, wink wink.
It takes me about a minute to download shitz, and 15 to upload. Stupid ADSL!

JayK, joo got in mang, look for it by tomorrow morning. CSOCORE
I'm starting to realize how perfect this whole album is. Also when I found out that their debut album is a tribute to Efrim's late dog, I had to pick it up immediately. :cry: