attn: greg and toby: MR KOBASA FIRED


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
Teacher Fired For His Beliefs

Courant Staff Writer

October 15, 2005

Stephen Kobasa has taught English in parochial schools for 25 years, always with a deep religious conviction and without an American flag in his classroom.

It was never an issue until this school year began.

Kobasa was fired from his job at Kolbe Cathedral High School in Bridgeport Thursday, in the face of a new diocesan policy that he says he's never seen in writing and hours after turning in his classroom flag to Principal Jo-Anne Jakab.

"I had come to the end of all the procedures of appeal available to me," Kobasa, 57, said Friday. He said his deep-seated religious belief, not un-American sentiments, was at the core of his opposition to having the flag in the classroom.

"The crucifix cancels all flags," said Kobasa, a longtime peace activist. "Christ speaks of compassion without boundaries. ...Flags are about separation, assertions of superiority and aggression. The whole notion that loyalty to country is connected to one's religious faith is totally bizarre and unjustified."

A statement posted on the Diocese of Bridgeport's website, attributed to spokesman Joseph McAleer, confirmed that Kobasa "is no longer a member of the faculty at Kolbe Cathedral High School. It is not our policy to comment on any internal personnel matter."

The statement makes cryptic reference to the flag issue, without direct reference to Kobasa.

"Our Catholic schools provide a dynamic learning environment in which respect for the opinions of others, as well as respect for school property, are both key components," it says. "The Diocese of Bridgeport has long believed that the American flag is an important fixture in its Catholic school classrooms."

When asked if Kobasa's opinions had been respected, McAleer declined to comment.

Kobasa is not sure who made the flag an issue. He said he had heard that a colleague complained about the lack of a flag in his classroom. The school year began with an announcement that the Pledge of Allegiance would be said by all classes at the beginning of the day.

"This posed a problem for me," Kobasa said. "I offered a compromise."

Kobasa agreed to display the flag at the start of the school day, for the duration of the pledge, "for any students who feel they require this expression of loyalty to the flag." Then he would remove it.

"I felt I could keep my conscience intact and I wasn't imposing my position on them," Kobasa said. But his compromise was rejected by the diocese's school superintendent and Jakab. Kobasa said he wrote to Bishop William E. Lori to emphasize that for him, the absence of the flag from his classroom was a matter of conscience, not whimsy. He received no response.

Before coming to Kolbe Cathedral in 1999, Kobasa had taught for years at St. Thomas Aquinas High School in New Britain - in a flag-free classroom. "It was never an issue."

Kobasa bristles when asked if he contemplates filing a lawsuit.

"This was never about law," Kobasa said. "When [school administrators] communicated with me they would say, `Are you bringing your lawyer?' It was never about that. I never raised it as a free-speech issue. What grounds would I have? None. It was about the moral principle that this tradition supposedly represents."

For a newly unemployed man who watched his eldest daughter amend her college application to list her father's occupation as "former English teacher," Kobasa was remarkably good-natured Friday. He spoke of the gratitude he felt at being allowed to remain at school throughout Thursday to explain his position and fate to his students.

"I had not gone into detail with them," Kobasa said of the weeks he spent negotiating and appealing. "I had not evangelized the point of my stand."

He said the support he received from the students was "quite remarkable." He said they spontaneously made posters decrying his termination and were chanting his name in the halls.

"There was all sorts of pageantry," Kobasa said. "It's not something that happens often in that school.

"I taught up to the end, I guess I can say," Kobasa said. "It was my last lesson. For the ones to whom this matters, they'll remember this."
Mr. Kobasa was my high-school English teacher during my freshman and senior years. Obviously quite influential to me. Dude got arrested twice while he was my teacher--once for handcuffing himself to a nuclear sub in Groton and once for going into K-mart and putting stickers on the fake guns, soldier figurines, etc. that said "This is a war toy."

Pretty ridiculous that you can get fired in this day and age for not displaying a flag 100% of the time. I certainly don't have a flag in my classroom.
I don't think putting stickers on toy guns is a valid direction to channel one's efforts if they desire social change. Does that make me some sort of hardline terrorist? It might increase basic grassroots awareness of an issue, yeah, but in a very invasive and condescending way. "This is a war toy." No shit. Half of your country's voting public supports ongoing unjust war anyway, so less wiping of froth from the mouth of the rabid dog and more direct attention to the argument that it might be rabid. Not mottos and slogans on stickers in stores.
dunno if you're being sarcastic or serious with that, but I don't think he's an asshole at all. I don't know the guy, and judging from what xfer says about him being a positive influence, I'd guess he's a pretty awesome guy. Just disagreeing with something he did.
he can be an "asshole" in some ways, but in confrontational ways that I think challenge you to think about what he says. I liked him.

he does lots of stuff, Helm, not just the sticker thing. that was also 15 years ago (jeez) and I think the country was a bit different back then.
sounds like a fucking asshole to me.

seriously though, that pretty much sucks. just when i thought the YOU CLEARLY HATE AMERICA crap was disappearing.
I wasn't allowed to have toy guns, either. but, I mean, we made fake toy guns out of sticks anyway. my little cousin lucas does the same thing.

i did grow up to be a pacifist type, so that's good, but then again i also like guns in videogames and stuff a lot. so i dunno. but i'll probably bar my kids from having guns, too.
I had toy guns. Played with toy guns. Shot with real guns (everybody hunts in the area I grew up). Now, I don't even own a gun, nor do I wish I had one.

Sorry about your teacher Xfer, they don't even have a valid reason to kick him out except "he didn't follow the rules" crap.....
he is a "problem" and an "agitator" and if they couldn't nail him on the flag thing they probably would've tried to nail him for wearing sandals with socks, or having a long ponytail or something.
actually in like 1994 there was a big school fundraiser raffle and the prize was "cut off mr kobasa's ponytail". i won, and i was on the school "television" snipping it off.

i'm not sure if he ever grew it back!
i wasn't allowed to watch the rambo cartoon and g.i. joe wasn't forbidden but definitely discouraged. but i did have a few toy guns, or at least one cap gun from pirates of the caribbean.