Attn John Macaluso fans

:lol::lol: Thanks for clearing that up. I was wondering who the hell that was.

John also is releasing a truly inspired solo record "The Radio Waves Goodbye" He's got Adrian Holtz doing a lot of the vocals with James LaBrie and Mike Dimeo stepping in for a few. It's a very progressive, melodic CD with a Dream Theater-type base and Ark overlay, yet sounding really completely different. There are some incredible keyboards by Vitalij Kuprij and Chris Caffery displays his usual skill and innovation on a solo in the song "Gates To Bridges." Still, John's drums, though not dominating, really are the most inspired part of this CD. Just amazing to hear him play, especially in the solo "Pretzel" (with some hilarious speaking parts in the beginning.)

You can get it directly from him at