attn: Kitty Star

California (the southern half) - my wife would love it. I would dislike it, because it has both Arnold and sun.

I agree about Dubya. it's incredible to me we have a president who isn't even curious enough to read newspapers. plus how can a guy born in CT and "schooled" at yale and hahvad talk like that? its completely a low brow affectation.

plus Kerry has way better hair, and smart enough to marry multi-millionaires. have you guys seen the two new conservative ketchup companies, Wketchup and Bushcountryketchup? Gawd, A-Dawwwwwwwwwwwggg!
I believe that war was also declared on us over the signature issue, right? I seem to recall some folks bombarding us with gay porn on like a weekend when none of us were here to notice...
Azal: Dude next metal fest we're both at... let's steal Josh's bag, take the seats out of the back of the van, and have a circle jerk over his stuff.
Oh, we'll just ask Josh to Fed-ex his belongings to us so we can give him presents. He'll go for it. Of course, he might send nothing but Alex's stool if he sees this thread...