
New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
the nintendo revolution will be able to play turbografx games (from an archive of downloadable classics)


i'm only pasting this because you're the only person i know that ever had a turbografx and anyway i think the revolution is looking like it's going to be really neat! WILL THIS MARK THE FIRST OCCASION ERIK GETS A GAMING CONSOLE SINCE THE GOD DAMN SUPER NINTENDO? WHO KNOWS!

awesome. my buddy had a turbografx and i always thought it was the wierdest, most redundant console. genesis owned though
Oh wow, how awesome!

TurboGrafx totally shit all over [/J.] all the other consoles in it's day, particularly the CD and SuperCD games. I always got mad when magazines were biased against it since it was unpopular, even the "classics" from that system, most of the magazines could only say "well, it's okay. I guess." Chodes.

Later I owned a SNES as well because I simply could not resist Final Fantasy VI any longer. Same reason I finally bought a PSX, although FFVII was doodoo.
PlayStation. That was like, what they were abbreviated as way way back in the late-90's.

PS1 is a stupid moniker. I mean look at it. GAY.
didnt know that. i bought one when it was called PS1. had it for like a couple months then sold it for a gamecube which i sold for an xbox. gamecube had nice graphics but not many games.