attn: nerk gertskerl


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
ok, Herzog's Nosferatu got better and better as it went on and the story diverged more and more from the original, right up until the SHOCKING TWIST at the end. phenomenal.

i guess it failed to win me over on some levels, maybe even overall, but i can't say i dislike it. i can't even put my finger on what's holding me back from loving it.

i do agree that the second half builds to a messed up crescendo. the ravaged town stuck with me for a while.

i was frankly unnerved by kinski's hand placement while sucking isabelle's blood. kinski, not the vampire.
haha i totally noticed that. it's honestly one of the best vampire bloodsucking scenes i've ever seen, totally evoking both sex and murder.

and i don't know wtg avi is talking about regarding Kinski mincing around...i think he does the opposite of mince. every movement is slow, gliding, and hesitant.

unless you were speaking metaphorically.
last halloween i watched the original in a cathedral in manhattan. the crowd was about 500 strong and there was an even mix of people, although i'd say they were verging on "older".

i find the '22 version to be validly creepy. i can't deny that there are parts that are so far beyond dated that they are absurd to a contemporary audience.

despite this, i was still shocked and pretty angry that the entirety of the crowd openly laughed at 60% of the film. it was especially crude during the scenes that were supposed to be tense. the only experience i've had that was worse than that was at one of the shitty exhumed film showings in philly, but that's primarily attended by kids one step shy of the FvsJ rave scene.

SO i'm crudely associating that memory with herzogferatu. i seem to recall someone, at some time within the last year, laughing at the kinski running with the coffin scenes. i think. i may have actually been imagining how the crowd at the '22 version would have reacted to watching the remake. i'll be damned, i just can't remember.

anyhow, i found that sequence to have the strongest visuals. the nightmarish speed of the undead is something that would raise the hairs on the back of my neck. or as jake would point out, my arm.
well, yes, but the original suffers fm the fact that old movies are invariably ridiculous at some point. in the original Nosferatu, i think the cameraman cranked the camera too slowly at some points, causing a comical benny-hill-like effect (i seem to expressly remember a carriage ZOOMING across the screen).

the back and forth coffin scene SHOULD have been silly...but unlike the filming of the first one, THIS scene was filmed fucking creepily as hell. the shadow moving on the wall and the lonely docks...
i haven't seen either yet; but this halloween seems liek a good time. last yr we rented a bunch of the Halloween movies and the first Phantasm (remember the Phantasm posts?!?).

also- what was that movie recently put out with Willem Dafoe about this?
the one vampite movie you MUST rent:
i think that completes this yr's CHUPE'S HALLOWEEN TRILOGY OF TERROR selections.
hopefully i will be asked to babysit a bunch of 5 yr olds on Halloween!

(the 22 nosferatu, the herzog one, and shadow of the vampire i mean)
that'd be killer, eric, especially if you've never seen any of them. i'd watch them in that order, specifically; there's some funny parts of Herzog's version that play off and invert the Dracula myth iterated in the original, and Shadow should definitely be last.