attn: nick


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
also did you see the new wwe wrestler Mordecai?

he is like some kind of demented cruiserweight priest of some sort who comes dressed in white with a freaky staff and is supposedly in the wwe to cleanse it of its sin.

and the best part is that his finisher is...

of course...


the crucifix powerbomb!
i saw him! last eve.

i'm not sure what to think. in that i don't see his appearance standing the test of time. you know what i mean?

he reminds me of when kevin nash appeared as OZ many years ago...
i mean anyways he really is just a mix of the undertaker and one of those psycho-maniacal religious characters from the mid-90's whose names i forget.

i really like his staff though and i like how his outfit is like an inverted priest outfit. like the collar is white with a black center instead of vice versa if that makes any sense.

also nick dinsmore got to work with the rock on monday night. i hope they are paying him a ton of money to act retarded. i am still unsure whether i should be offended or not.
I think this board has its fair share of geeks, quite a majority acutally. We just are geeks of different types. I include myself in that.

Beer geeks, music geeks, wrestling geeks, Angel geeks, video game geeks, politi-geeks, art-wanks..

Feel free to continue the list
i've been to compleat strategist many times.

this morning, on my way to work, my roommate pulled over at a tag sale. this huge fat guy (doughy, gamer-geek fat) with Sally Jessy glasses waddled over to see if we wanted to buy anything. he was wearing a t-shirt that said something like "STAR TREK: THE ONLY BOOK YOU'LL EVER NEED TO READ"

i didn't get it, but that guy so obviously knew his place in life and flaunted it.