Attn: Work

Hey Virginia isn't so bad either Kitty Star, after you get over the blatant racism, oppressive humidity, and astonishing preppiness (popped collars and plaid shorts). Give me a visit, I have an available futon.
Canada, Boston, Virginia... so many places to go!!! I think for now I will remain under Alex's bed. It is safe and quiet down here and I can sleep all day with my pet rats and dust bunnies.
osmose is entering the fray bidding for kitty star's hand!
his pimp hat is thrown into the ring so to speak.
avi said:
whatcha doing in SF mr. Nad? ever think we might not want you here?
Went to see Hammers of Misfortune at Bottom of the Hill and just skip town for a day or two. SF may not have wanted me, but one black gay male did, he said I was "hot" and offered to "swallow," whatever that means. I politely turned him down, but thanked him anyhow.

this topic long left it's origins and the potential threadjack subject of SF, but I had to, I just had to!