Audio for Video Intro


Mar 20, 2002
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Hey guys,
anyone up for creating a short intro clip for a YouTube channel (audio only)? I'm looking for something instrumental in the Rock/Pop direction similar to the music in this video between 00:14 and 00:30. Actually a little "softer" than that. Here's another example (00:54 - 01:05): However I only need 7 to 10 seconds of audio.
I've been all over the free databases but I figured I'd rather give a Sneapster a shot to be creative and get a little exposure. Of course I'd put your name and link to your Studio or whatever in the description. I know that's not much of a "payment" but then again I know a couple of guys that profited nicely from stuff like that.
Let me know if you are interested. Looking forward to what you can come up with.
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