Audio Technica 4041


Jun 4, 2009
New Braunfels, Texas
So I was just browsing on Amazon for the Audio Tehnica 4040s for room mics (thanks to you lovely people who suggested them.) and came across a package deal with the 4040 and the 4041. This was quite interesting to me since I also need some new overhead mics. Has anyone tried the 4041s on overheads?

*Sorry for posting so many threads*
They'd probably be pretty cool and work fine - you could get two of those packs and have a kickass set of SDC's for OH and LDC's for room, or for a more chunky OH sound the 4040's for OH and the SDC's for spot micing!
I've definitely heard some good things about both the 4040 and 4041.
I'll probably get a 4040 for mono room and two 4041s for OH, and when the time comes, I'll use the 4041s for spot miking cymbals when I get some Oktavas.
Oh and it turns out that the package only comes with a single 4040 and a single 4041. It'd be cheaper to get them all separately too if I were to get two 4041s.
Strange lol.
I'm gonna bump this for the last time, just to see if anyone else has any opinions.
Oh, and if I can get a few extra bucks, I found an AT4050 for $450 on Amazon used, So I might pick that up instead of the 4040 for a room mic
The 4041s? Yea, like I said, I'm gonna be using modded MK012s for overheads once I get around to the funding, and use the 4041s for spot miking
But in the mean time, I figure instead of waiting to try to get cash to get Oktavas for overheads, I can just get these first and use them as OHs in the meantime (since I don't have any at all right now.)

Sorry for the semi-OT.
I used 4041 on OH/HH/Ride
They are very very nice on it.
Sometimes I use them on cabs with nice results.

In fact you can do anything with mics, it depends of the source, how you place the mic and what is the result expected.

I have no tracks with 4041 on OH at the moment, but I have tracks with theses ones on HH and Ride. If you want I can post them.
I bought two 4040s for OHs a while back because I'm crazy and they were a steal. Great mics, but not ideal for OHs. Would definitely go SDC for OH. I'm sure the 4040s would sound good as room mics, though I haven't tried them there. Amazing on vox and good I've used them on guitar as well.
Yeah, I'll be using the 4041s for OH.
And I'm thinking about just spending the extra $$$ to get a 4050 instead of the 4040 because of the added options and it'd be applicable to other stuff rather than just room
Yeah, I'll be using the 4041s for OH.
And I'm thinking about just spending the extra $$$ to get a 4050 instead of the 4040 because of the added options and it'd be applicable to other stuff rather than just room

In all the times I've used an LDC I've never once wanted to have the extra pickup patterns... it'd be cool for drum rooms, certain acoustic instruments, woodwinds, etc, but I don't think it's worth it on a single LDC. A stereo set of C414's would be awesome for that, but for other LDC's that will double as room and vocal mics? Not worth it to me.
That's what alot of people have been saying too.
I wasn't just going to get it for the pickup patterns
It seems like it'd be alot more versatile and useful than the 4040
Don't get me wrong they're both great mic's, can't really go wrong with either of them. 4050 is definitely more versatile though. An omni mic jammed into a corner makes for a great room sound.
Sorry man, I have completly forget You.

This is the HiHat :

The Ride Tracks shouldn't learn anything, because I have place the mic very close of the bell, so Yo don't have the sound of the entire ride.

Here You have OH in A/B setup. Theses are AT4050 in Cardio. (not enough clearance to put them in Omni) (100% L/R)

And here You have the full drum with Eq/Comp and automation.
It's pumpy, and I like it. I love over compressing Room mic, and cymbals. And after this I send all drums bus on my G384 or the Chandler comp when I hire them. Just to add a nice taste.
It's definitly not the editedsampled kind of drum that what we are listening to usually on this forum.