audio to midi

korpse pop

Horde of Undead Vengeance
Jun 22, 2005
Does anyone know a free program that can convert a wav to a midi track ? I would wish to use it to trigger kick & snare tracks in easy and free way.
"KTDrumTrigger" .. seems you have to add a sampler (VSTi) too.. is there anything like that plugin which basically works like a sample replacer or something, I mean you have your recorded audio kick track, you then hook up a DX or VST plugin in which a new kick sample is triggered by the audio input (so no midi stuff is involved at all) .. (sorry for the thread hijacking :Saint: )
I found one the other day, not sure how good it is. I think it was in one of Splatt88's posts in the rate my mix section. There was a plugin he used and on the link one of the other plugins that the manufacturer makes was on there. Most hosts come with some kind of sampler anyway.
Although...Drumagog eats resources like nobody's business. I'm curious to try aptrigga since the word on the e-street is that it's significantly less resource intensive than Drumagog. Plus aptrigga is like $40.

Although...Drumagog eats resources like nobody's business. I'm curious to try aptrigga since the word on the e-street is that it's significantly less resource intensive than Drumagog. Plus aptrigga is like $40.


I can only run one instance of Drumagog in ProTools for Windows as apposed to 9 in Cubase :Smug: On my Macbook I can run 13. Although this is all arbitrary as the most I ever use is like MAYBE 5

I have KTDrumTrigger, but I need something to convert audio track to a midi track so I can quantize. I can't find a way to record KTDrumTrigger's output to a midi track in Tracktion. I should be upgrading to Cubase, but it's way too pricey for me at the moment. So one way would be to convert wavs to midi in some external application, but can't find anything that could do it.
I have KTDrumTrigger, but I need something to convert audio track to a midi track so I can quantize. I can't find a way to record KTDrumTrigger's output to a midi track in Tracktion. I should be upgrading to Cubase, but it's way too pricey for me at the moment. So one way would be to convert wavs to midi in some external application, but can't find anything that could do it.

i am not sure on how trackions input or output routings are but thats what you have to do is set your midi input to the kt drum trigger then set that midi track in record mode then press play kt will then put hits midi note messeges where your instument hit....keep in mind you have to set the midi note number in kt drum trigger to trigger the right midi note
hey Elephant Audio...where in San Antonio are you?