Help with Adobe Audition & MIDI


Apr 18, 2008
Denver, Colorado
Hello all! Im trying to send a signal from my kick track to another track in the mix, a midi track. I want the midi to record the kick, so I can re-trigger the kick via midi, that way if there is any off time kick patterns, I can snap them into place via the sequencer within the midi track. Any thoughts?

Free audio -> midi plug-in. Worked great in the past when I used it.

KTDrumTrigger does what you originally posted, you put it as an insert on your audio track, then on your MIDI track it'll show up as an input.
I have and use drumagog, and it works amazing, but sometimes I need to tighten up the drummers hits. So I guess what Im asking is, can anyone tell me the correct way to go about doing what I originally posted? :rock:

Lol dude...did you not read my post? KTDrumTrigger does exactly what you are asking...

Thanks fellas! But what Im needing is a "how to" kind of thing. I downloaded the KTDRum trigger. I need to know what to do to get a signal going out of one channel (Keep in mind, this is all digital. I realize I could physically do it, but Im wanting to do it digital) and into the midi track. I want to be able to hit record, have the midi track start recording, and the playback of the kick will be what is recorded. Then I want to take the midi track, send it out to drumagog, with the perfectly lined up tracks. Help?:goggly:

Dude, put the plug-in on your audio track (kick, snare whatever you are trying to convert into MIDI). Then, add a MIDI track. Then on the MIDI track select your input as KTDrumTrigger. Hit record. Done.

And for the record...pretty much everyone on this forum works with "all digital."


Dude, put the plug-in on your audio track (kick, snare whatever you are trying to convert into MIDI). Then, add a MIDI track. Then on the MIDI track select your input as KTDrumTrigger. Hit record. Done.

And for the record...pretty much everyone on this forum works with "all digital."


Are you saying specifically for Audition, or just this is how it works generally with other software?

I ask this because I tried what you said, and there isn't an option to select KTDT as an input on the midi track.

Did you get this to work holyhavok?

If you did, please help me out because I feel totally stupid. :cry:
Well, it should be like this in any DAW host. However, I'm only speaking with experience doing it that way in Cubase.

Well, it should be like this in any DAW host. However, I'm only speaking with experience doing it that way in Cubase.


That's what I was wondering. Audition tends to have its quirks and doesn't always do everything the simplest way, namely with midi since 3.0 is the first version to implement midi. Thanks.