Help help with MIDI


Apr 5, 2003
Alright, so I'm using a m-Audio keystation 88 pro now and I'm trying to record with a VST in Adobe Audition 3.0..... it's recording and all but my only problem is that it's not showing the notes in multi-track view. Of course it is showing them in the midi sequencer.... but I would really like to be able to see them in multi-track. Is there a way to get the notes to show in multi-track view or am I thinking the wrong way here? It's my first time working with midi in the program.

It was a joke, sir. Needless to say, if the information was in the manual, I wouldn't have needed to ask here. I read those manuals almost religiously.
Okay guys, is there really nobody who can help me out? Trying to record a simple solo section with the midi controller becomes annoying when you can't see the notes in multi-track view. The sequencer zooms the multi-track session while also zooming the midi notes, which causes it to be huge and annoying. You've got to zoom out for normal viewing and zoom way in for MIDI recording.

Please, this is a big hassle. Can anyone help me out with this? I would like to see the midi notes in multi-track view along with all of the other wav files.

If anyone knows how this can be accomplished, please let me know. :)

P.S. I did RTFM to no avail
I ended up making the MIDI in FL Studio 7 and just exporting the song from there... I could probably mix the MIDI down and import into Audition, but I seriously hate Audition's entire MIDI system.... I just have to prepare the tracks and include the midi export for the ProTools studio guy in California. :)

You export the MIDI in one file right, for ProTools? Or do you export each instrument separately?